Food Policy and Market Developments

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On 17 November 2014, the conclusion of negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement between Australia and China, covering agriculture, was announced. Included under the terms of the agreement, China’s tariffs [...]
Bangladesh will procure 300 000 tonnes of rice from millers from the ongoing Aman crop (April - December), increasing the procurement price to BDT 32 per kilogram (US$ 0.41) from [...]
India’s bumper harvests since 2007 and continuing government purchases aimed at meeting emergencies and providing subsidized food to poor through welfare programmes, have led to a massive increase of level [...]
The Government of Argentina has issued export permits for 1.5 million tonnes of wheat and wheat flour of the new 2014 crop, currently being harvested. Production is forecast to reach [...]
The Government of Pakistan decided to increase the wheat support price, effective 1 November, from PKR 1,200 (USD 11.70) to PKR 1 300 (USD 12.78) per 40 kg, reflecting higher [...]
The Government of India increased the minimum support price (MSP) for the 2015 winter wheat crop, currently being planted, by 3,6 percent, to 1,450 Rupees (USD 23,60) per 100 Kg. [...]
The Central Government of India decided to reduce charges for rice millers to about Rs 10 per quintal (around $ 1.6 per tonne), down about 33% from around Rs. 15 [...]
China will strengthen controls over grain imports and illegal activities, such as smuggling, in an attempt to cut oversupply, as large volumes of stocks are creating storage problems for the [...]
While the official procurement price for the 2014 Aman season rice, to be harvested from early November, has not still be fixed by the Ministry of Agriculture, the production costs [...]
China will maintain the official minimum purchase price for the 2015 wheat crop, currently being planted, unchanged from this year's level. This measure aims to support farmers’ incomes following recent [...]