Food Policy and Market Developments

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Following the reduction of the 2014 main season cereal crops caused by drought, the Government authorized the tariff-free imports of 97 000 tonnes of rice and 72 000 tonnes of [...]
In order to support producer maize prices, a subsidy of 500 million of Brazilian Real (BRL), or about USD 220 million, has been approved by the Ministries of Agriculture and [...]
The Government recently authorized duty-free import of 73,000 tonnes of white maize and 20,000 tonnes of red beans from any member of the World Trade Organization. The purpose of this measure, [...]
El Salvador's Ministry for Agriculture and Livestock has confirmed that the distribution of fungicides to some 17,000 coffee farmers will begin on 21 June 2014, in an effort to combat [...]
Thailand military Government - National Council of Peace and Order (NCPO) – has announced a “Cultivation rice subsidy” programme and soft loans to help rice farmers in the 2014/15 crop [...]
The Government has decided to amend its "Rice for the Poor" program (Raskin) based on recommendations from the Corruption Eradication Commission. Social Protection Card (KPS) will be issued to all [...]
The East African Community (EAC), comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, increased the import tariff of rice - Common External Tariff (CET)- from 10% to 35%, in an attempt [...]
The government has restricted meat export permits to guarantee local supply and put downward pressure on the retail prices, following the devaluation of the national currency in January. From the [...]
In mid-February 2014, the Government of Thailand released 687 623 tonnes of rice stocks from the 2012 and 2013 crops for both export and domestic sales. The Government is periodically [...]
On 19 December 2013, ONICL, the state grains agency, introduced an import subsidy system, to be effective from 1 January until 30 April 2014, in an effort to ensure adequate [...]