تحذير الأسعار على المستوى المحلي

بلدان تشهد أسعاراً مرتفعة بشكل شاذ لسلعة غذائية أساسية واحدة أو أكثر في أسواق رئيسية

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جنوب السودان


Prices of maize and sorghum remained at record levels in Juba in June 2024 as tight supplies and macroeconomic challenges were exacerbated by a recent decrease in oil exports

In the capital, Juba, prices of main staple cereals sorghum and maize, as well as prices of other important staples in the local diet, including cassava, groundnuts and imported wheat, firmed up in June 2024 at record levels. Prices surged in March following a sharp depreciation of the national currency, mainly as a result of a substantial reduction of oil exports due to damages to the pipelines passing through the Sudan and by disruptions in oil shipments via the Red Sea, eased in April, and sharply increased again in May. Nominal prices of sorghum and maize in June were about 60 to 90 percent above their already high year-earlier values and about 200 times those in July 2015, before the currency collapse. Underlying the high food prices are insufficient supplies due to low local production and the continuously difficult macroeconomic situation due to low foreign currency reserves and a weak national currency.