Domestic Price Warnings

Countries where prices of one or more basic food commodity are at abnormal high levels in main markets.
Price warning level:  High   Moderate [Based on the Indicator of Price Anomalies (IPA)]


South Africa


Wholesale white maize prices strengthened, closing in on the recent record highs in June 2024

Wholesale prices of white maize grain, a key food staple, strengthened in June 2024 and edged closer to the all-time highs that were reached in April. The uptick comes, amid tightening national supplies, underlined by a 25 percent decrease in the national harvest and robust export demand from neighbouring countries, which are also experiencing more acute shortfalls in maize production. The gap between prices of white maize and yellow maize, mostly used as feed, also widened in June. This reflects the more ample supplies of yellow maize on the global market and a less precipitous decline in the domestic output for yellow maize.