Resúmenes regionales

África Oriental
Prices of coarse grains followed mixed trends in May and June 2024 in the subregion. Prices reached new record highs in the Sudan, while they firmed up at record levels in South Sudan, underpinned by tight supplies and severe macroeconomic [...]
África Occidental
Prices of coarse grains remained stable or increased in May and June 2024 in many markets in countries of the Sahel and along the Gulf of Guinea. In some countries of the subregion, prices of coarse grains remained higher on [...]
África Austral
An increase in seasonal supplies of maize grain has partially eased pressure on prices and instigated moderate month-on-month price declines in June 2024 in some countries. However, on a yearly basis, prices of this key food staple still remained at [...]
Este de Asia
Domestic rice prices showed mixed trends in May and June 2024 and were well above their year-earlier levels, driven by increases in production and transport costs, output cuts in some countries and higher international prices following India’s export restrictions, which [...]
Países de Europa oriental, el Cáucaso y Asia central
International wheat prices from the Russian Federation increased in June 2024 for the third consecutive month, mainly due to unfavourable weather, mixture of frosts in some regions and dry conditions elsewhere which have impacted 2024 crop prospects. Similarly in Ukraine,1 [...]
América Central Y El Caribe
Wholesale prices of white maize showed mixed trends across the subregion in June 2024. In Guatemala, prices were stable month‑on‑month as downward pressure from adequate market supplies were offset by an increase in transport costs at the end of June, [...]
América Del Sur
Wholesale prices of rice were stable or rose in June 2024 across the subregion, despite seasonal downward pressure. In Brazil, in spite of the recently completed harvest, prices rose by 5 percent month-on-month in the flood‑affected Rio Grande do Sul [...]
América Del Sur
En toda la subregión, los precios al por mayor del maíz amarillo mostraron tendencias desiguales en septiembre de 2023. En Argentina, a pesar de la cosecha recién terminada, los precios siguieron subiendo en septiembre y más de un 10 % [...]
América Del Sur
de junio de 2022, con diferencias a nivel interanual que oscilaron entre el 13 % en Guatemala y el 40 % en Nicaragua, apuntaladas por los elevados costes de los insumos agrícolas, el combustible y la mano de obra. Los [...]
América Central Y El Caribe
Los precios al por mayor de los frijoles fueron superiores a los de marzo de 2022, impulsados por los elevados costes de los insumos agrícolas, el combustible y la mano de obra. Los precios del frijol rojo bajaron en toda [...]