Bilans régionaux

Afrique De L’est
Prices of coarse grains followed mixed trends in August and September 2024 in the subregion. Prices reached new record highs in the Sudan and in South Sudan, and continue to be underpinned by tight supplies and severe macroeconomic difficulties, including [...]
Afrique Australe
Tight supplies, year-on-year weaker currencies and robust export demand are supporting high maize grain prices across the subregion, which are expected to continue to rise seasonally until early next year when the main harvest period starts. Prospects of a favourable [...]
Asie de L’est
In September 2024, domestic rice prices showed mixed trends month‑on‑month and were generally lower year-on-year in many countries of the subregion. In Thailand, wholesale rice prices declined for the fourth consecutive month in September, reflecting the recently‑started 2024 main harvest, [...]
Europe orientale, Caucase et Asie centrale
Wheat export prices in the Russian Federation declined marginally in September 2024, following more significant declines over the previous two months, due to subdued export activities. The price decline was partly offset by lower-than-expected spring wheat harvest prospects, caused by [...]
Amérique Centrale Et Caraïbes
Wholesale prices of white maize mostly declined across the subregion in September 2024 due to improved market availability from the start of the main crop harvest. In Guatemala and in the two major markets of Honduras, maize prices showed slight [...]
Amérique Du Sud
Wholesale rice prices mostly declined in September 2024 across the subregion and were higher year-on-year due to the low 2023 harvest in most of the countries, with the exception of Colombia and Ecuador, where rice production was above average in [...]
Afrique De L’ouest
Les prix des céréales secondaires ont affiché des tendances contrastées entre août et septembre 2024 dans les pays du Sahel et le long du golfe de Guinée. Dans de nombreux pays de la sous-région, les prix des céréales secondaires étaient [...]