Results filtered by: Agricultural commodities

 - Procurement of the 2020 main “Maha” paddy rice crop has recently commenced. The Government set the minimum guaranteed price at LKR 50 per kg (USD 276 [...]
 - China will strengthen controls over grain imports and illegal activities, such as smuggling, in an attempt to cut oversupply, as large volumes of stocks are creating [...]
 - On 6 April, the Government reduced the import tariff on wheat from ZAR 716.3 (USD 59.3) per tonne, in place since mid-December 2017, to ZAR 394.9 [...]
 - Mexico will reinstate its import tariffs on paddy and rice from January 9th 2015 in order to promote production, processing and marketing of domestic rice and [...]
 - The ACORT trade association, which includes major supermarket chains in Russia, has decided to freeze prices on more than 20 socially important items of basic necessity [...]
 - Cereal prices were at low levels in most countries of the subregion in November, as a result of increased supplies from the ongoing or already gathered [...]
 - The National Development and Reform Commission set the minimum procurement prices for 2018 paddy crops at levels below those in 2017 (FPMA Food Policies).The price for [...]
 - Amid rising food prices, the Government temporarily reduced the import tax for imported wheat flour from LKR 36 per kg to LKR 8 per kg, effective [...]
 - The Government of Zimbabwe removed regulations that fixed the procurement price of maize at USD 390 per tonne in April 2015, lifting price controls measures that [...]
 - On 1 July 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution 759, which cancels wheat and meslin export licenses, lifts an export ban on oats [...]
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