Results filtered by: error correction model

 - Wholesale prices of white maize grain gained further ground in August 2024, almost reaching the record highs of April 2024, and were 48 percent higher year‑on‑year. [...]
 - In anticipation of the WTO Special Treatment expiring on 31 December 2014, the Government has announced its intention to apply a tariff rate of 513 percent [...]
 - Wholesale prices of local coarse grains and of local and imported rice showed mixed trends in July 2024. Prices of maize, millet and sorghum were up [...]
 - The Government announced that as of August it will stop providing subsidies to millers and bakeries that produce subsidized bread. Under the current system, the Government [...]
 - Retail rice prices of the widely consumed Emata rice resumed their increasing trend in August 2024 after a short-lived decline in July as seasonal upward pressure [...]
 - On 28 November, the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) raised the minimum support price of wheat from the previously-announced level of PKR 1 350 per 40 kg [...]
 - On 26 June, the Government announced a ban on the exports of unprocessed food crops, including maize, the main staple. The measure aims to ease supply [...]