Results filtered by: error correction model

 - The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has announced that the minimum prices for 2016 wheat crop purchases by the State Intervention Fund for its [...]
 - In the wheat import-dependent countries of the subregion, prices of wheat products remained overall unchanged in March, despite good availabilities from the 2013 wheat harvests and [...]
 - In the exporting countries of the subregion, export prices of milling wheat in the Russian Federation and Ukraine decreased seasonally in September by more than 4 [...]
 - On 15 February, the Government set the Rabi wheat crop procurement target for the 2017/18 marketing year (April/March) at 33 million tonnes. This volume is more [...]
 - The Government announced it will keep the 2020 minimum support price for wheat at CNY 2 240 (USD 317) per tonne, the same as in the [...]
 - On 11 July 2022, the Government of Colombia introduced Decree 1174, temporarily lifting import tariffs on wheat grain and wheat flour for a period of two [...]
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