Results filtered by: error correction model

 - For importing countries, a depreciation of the national currency makes the cost of food imports, in local currency terms, more expensive. The graphs below show the [...]
 - The Ministry of Agriculture announced in September that maize grain held by the Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC), a government parastatal that procures and sells [...]
 - The Government of El Salvador has approved the import of 12 000 tonnes of red beans exempt from custom duties. The measure aims to ensure affordable [...]
 - On 17 September 2020, the Ministry of Agriculture revised the price of maize grain that the Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC), the Government’s parastatal that [...]
 - In late October, the Government lifted a two-year ban on maize exports, which had been implemented in an effort to stem the impact of tight domestic [...]
 - Private traders have applied to import 300 000 tonnes of Rice from Thailand and Vietnam following the National Food Authority (NFA) approval of imports up to [...]