Results filtered by: error correction model

 - The Government increased the import duty on rice to 55 percent from the previous 28 percent, which was set in June last year (FPMA Food Policies). [...]
 - On 10 January, the Government ordered the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) to purchase 2 million 90-kg bags from farmers at a price of KES [...]
 - The Government increased the purchasing price of maize to KES 3 000 (USD 29) for a 90 kg bag from the previous level of KES 2 [...]
 - The Government of Zambia plans to export 800 000 tonnes of maize, with the country estimated to hold a surplus of around 1 million tonnes following [...]
 - On 13 January the Government of India approved a new crop insurance scheme, named ‘’Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana’’ (PMFBY), which will replace the previous scheme, [...]
 - On 22 May, the Government announced the reintroduction of the import duty on common wheat at 135 percent, after a suspension from January to April 2019. [...]
 - The Government issued a decree on June 8 that will allow the country to establish tariff-free import quotas from non US-origins for beef and for paddy, [...]
 - The Government announced it would allow duty-free imports of maize, wheat and sorghum until 31 December this year, and also eased some import requirements, such as [...]
 - On 30 December 2021, the Government of Uzbekistan adopted Decree PP-73, which exempts from custom duties the imports of wheat flour, vegetable oils and other products. [...]