Results filtered by: National

 - On 22 May 2020, the Government temporarily removed the import tariff on wheat flour and maize meal as the country seeks to bolster supplies amid an [...]
 - The Ministry of Industry and Trade repealed rice export conditions set in 2013 under Decision 6139/QD-BCT on the planning of rice exporters. The maximum rice export [...]
 - The Government announced on 14 July new Maximum Retail Prices (MRP) for 16 essential food items including white flour, sugar, lentils (dhal) and sprats to protect [...]
 - The Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) postponed for the second time this year’s seasonal ban on rice imports, which is currently scheduled to come [...]
 - This paper develops, calibrates, and runs a new food price crisis monitoring framework. The proposed framework has an integrated approach to capture global and national vulnerabilities [...]
 - The Government removed import duties on maize and exempted bread and maize flour from value added tax for the next four months. Maize imports from countries [...]
 - The Beijing municipal government announced the release of 3 000 tonnes of pork meat from frozen reserves into the capital’s market over two months starting this [...]
 - International crude oil markets are an indicator of energy costs at country level, particularly in oil importers.
 - The Government will procure 1 million tonnes of rice and 100 000 tonnes of paddy from the ongoing Boro crop (November-May), keeping the procurement rice price [...]