Results filtered by: Food insecurity

 - The Food Contract Corporation (FCC), the national body managing the state grain reserves, announced in early December an increase in the purchase price ranges for wheat [...]
 - On 30 December, the Government approved new export rebates for a large number of agricultural products. The modified export rebate levels vary upon the product’s stage [...]
 - As part of its policy to support prices of agricultural products, the Government assigned in late September, 150 million of Brazilian Real (BRL), or about USD [...]
 - The Government of Morocco announced the increase of the import duty on soft wheat from 30 percent to 135 percent. The customs duty will become effective [...]
 - On 23 February 2022, the Government of Burkina Faso announced a ban on exports of millet, maize and sorghum flours. This follows an earlier ban on [...]
 - The Government of South Africa approved a 34 percent increase in the tariff on wheat imports which will be applied for the rest of 2016. The [...]
 - The National Food Supply Agency (CONAB) of Brazil put 35 000 tonnes of rice paddy to sale through two auctions on September 1 and sold nearly [...]
 - The Government announced it will procure 300 000 tonnes of rice from millers from the ongoing Aman crop (April - December), increasing the procurement price to [...]
 - The Economic Co-ordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet has set the 2017 wheat procurement price at PKR 1 300 (USD 12.34) per 40 Kg, the same [...]