Results filtered by: instrumental variables

 - The Russian Government announced the ban of most food imports from the United States, the European Union, Norway, Canada and Australia for one year, following international [...]
 - On 6 April 2023, the Government of Georgia lifted a temporary restriction on the export of wheat, which was introduced in July 2022 to ensure the [...]
 - On 5 January, the Government announced that the procurement price to be paid for the 2017 wheat crop to be harvested from mid-April, will be based [...]
 - In early July, the Food Reserve Agency (FRA), the Government parastatal mandated to manage the national strategic stock and engage in market facilitation, increased the purchasing [...]
 - The Government of Lesotho announced last week it will subsidize the price of maize meal, beans and pulses, reducing the retail prices for consumers by 30 [...]
 - The Government announced earlier in the month the release of 3.81 million tonnes of rice in two auctions on 25 July. One auction will offer 1.63 [...]
 - On 10 April 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan announced a six-month ban on the import of wheat by road into the national territory. The [...]
 - On 21 February, the Food Contract Corporation (FCC), the national body managing the state grain reserves, launched the forward procurement campaign for the 2017 crops, including [...]
 - The Government has further reduced import taxes on rice. The LKR 5 (USD 0.03) import tax set in January 2017 (FPMA Food Policies) was cut to [...]
 - The Indian central Government has decided that all state Governments were to reduce the percentage of levy rice procured from millers to 25percent for the 2014-15 [...]