Results filtered by: cereal price volatility

 - In mid-February 2014, the Government of Thailand released 687 623 tonnes of rice stocks from the 2012 and 2013 crops for both export and domestic sales. [...]
 - In order to curb price hikes following the Ebola outbreak, the Liberian Government has adjusted prices of rice and other essential commodities. The adjusted prices per [...]
 - Traders have reportedly stopped wheat imports due to financing problems resulting from the Central Bank crisis. Local banks have difficulties to convert the local currency into [...]
 - The Food Reserve Agency (FRA), the Government parastatal mandated to manage the national strategic stock and engage in market facilitation, recently announced the purchasing prices of [...]
 - The government has restricted meat export permits to guarantee local supply and put downward pressure on the retail prices, following the devaluation of the national currency [...]
 - In August 2014, Russia banned food imports (fruit, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, milk and dairy) worth USD 9 billion from the United States, European Union (EU), [...]
 - On 1 April, the Government reduced the import tax on wheat flour from 11 percent to 5 percent. Import duties were already revised downwards in 2014 [...]
 - China will maintain the official minimum purchase price for the 2015 wheat crop, currently being planted, unchanged from this year's level. This measure aims to support [...]
 - As of 13 May 2022, the Government of India have prohibited exports of wheat to help ensure adequate domestic supply, including the large quantities of wheat [...]
 - The import duty on wheat, which was scheduled to end on 31 March, has been extended until 30 June 2016. The Government had initially imposed a [...]