Results filtered by: consumer food prices

 - The passage of Tropical Storm Julia affected the main season crops of red beans at germination stage in early October and exerted strong upward pressure on [...]
 - The Government announced the temporarily removal of the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) on imported and local rice set last February (FPMA Food Policies). The measure follows [...]
 - The government recently announced an agreement with the Government of the United States of America to implement a duty-free tariff quota (TRQ) for wheat. The agreement [...]
 - The Government of Brazil has recently removed the import duties on maize shipments from non-Mercosur countries for a period of six months and for a maximum [...]
 - The Government temporarily lifted a ban on wheat imports, which was in place since late 2015 to protect producers from cheaper imports. The reversal of the [...]
 - Following the recent sale of 1.148 million tonnes in early July, the Government of Thailand plans to sell about 5.89 million tonnes of sub-quality and rotten [...]
 - Prices of cereals continued to decline in September in Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania and Somalia, where the bulk of the recently harvested crops increased [...]
 - On 1 February, the Government of Sri Lanka raised the import duty on rice by 43 percent from LKR 35 per kilogram (USD 234 per tonnes) [...]
 - The Energy Regulation Board (ERB), the statutory organization responsible for regulating the energy sector in Zambia, decreased petroleum products prices on January 15. Retail petrol prices [...]