Results filtered by: instrumental variables

 - On 27 December 2021, Cameroon’s Customs Department issued a memorandum announcing the immediate temporary suspension of exports of locally produced cereals and vegetable oils. The measure [...]
 - In Western Africa, in most Sahelian countries, coarse grains prices remained generally stable and relatively low, reflecting satisfactory market supplies from the good 2013 harvests, as [...]
 - On February 1, the Government of Argentina removed the subsidies on electricity and raised prices to reduce fiscal expenditures and encourage investment in the energy sector. [...]
 - The Government launched the country-wide Open Market Sale (OMS) of rice on Sunday, 4 March. OMS is a public food distribution programme, which sells rice and [...]
 - On 15 June 2022, the Government of Kazakhstan announced the extension of wheat and wheat flour export restrictions until 30 September 2022. The restrictions were originally [...]
 - On 5 September, the Government raised import duties on potatoes from 15 to 30 percent of the custom value, effective until 31 October 2018. The country [...]
 - The East African Community (EAC) has removed or reduced the Common External Tariff (CET) on some imported food products for Rwanda, in an effort to ease [...]
 - In most countries of the subregion, prices of wheat flour remained generally stable and around or above their year-earlier levels. In Low-Income Food-Deficit countries, Kyrgyzstan and [...]
 - With the 2014 main harvests on-going throughout the subregion and large production gains expected, maize prices declined sharply in May. The largest monthly decreases were recorded [...]
 - Prices of the main staples, sorghum and millet, reached new record highs in August 2024. Cereal prices began to follow a sustained increasing trend in late [...]