Results filtered by: National

 - In most importing countries of the subregion price of wheat products remained largely unchanged in August and around their year-earlier levels, with the exception of Kyrgystan [...]
 - Egypt has removed its ban on rice exports, replacing it instead with an export tariff of 2 000 Egyptian pounds (USD 255.43) per tonne. The tariff [...]
 - The Ministry of Agriculture has set minimum prices for the purchase of grain crops procured from July 2015 to July 2016. The price of class 3 [...]
 - In Eastern Africa, prices of coarse grains continued to increase in April following seasonal patterns throughout the subregion. Prices reached record highs in the Sudan, as [...]
 - On 4 September, the Government introduced a 12 percent export duty on all products, valid with immediate effect until 31 December 2020 (Decree 793/2018). The measure [...]
 - As of the end of September, the Sudan removed the special subsidized USD/Sudanese pound exchange rate that was previously available for importation of wheat. The special [...]
 - The Government of India is for the third time extending the deadline to implement the National Food Security Act (NFSA) by an additional 6 months. The [...]
 - The East African Community (EAC), comprising Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda, increased the import tariff of rice - Common External Tariff (CET)- from 10% to [...]