Results filtered by: Crisis

 - Cereal prices increased in November in several countries of the subregion, and they were higher than a year earlier in most markets, underpinned by localized production [...]
 - In Kazakhstan, restrictions on exports of wheat and wheat flour will be lifted from 1 June 2020. Export quotas were introduced in April, after a temporary [...]
 - The Government launched a new social safety net scheme in mid-September, titled “Food-Friendly Programme for the Ultra-Poor”, targeting some 5 million poor families across the country. [...]
 - On 4 January 2023, the Government of Liberia issued Executive Order No. 113,suspending, with immediate effect, import tariffs on semi/wholly milled and broken rice.  The new [...]
 - In early July 2015, Thailand announced plans to auction an additional 1 million tonnes of rice in an open tender as a measure to cut down [...]
 - On 1 June 2021, the government extended the exemption from imports, customs and value-added taxes for a number of commodities, including cereals and cereal products until [...]
 - On 11 December, the Cabinet Committee on Industrial and Economic Development approved a 26 percent increase in the procurement price for the 2018 wheat crop, now [...]