Results filtered by: error correction model

 - Prices of coarse grains followed mixed trends in June, July and August 2024 in the subregion. Prices reached new record highs in the Sudan and in South [...]
 - In early February, the Government reintroduced a ban on maize exports, which was lifted in late October following the bumper crop in 2017 (FPMA Food Policies). [...]
 - In July 2015, Indonesia stopped issuing import permits for maize used in feed mills as a measure to support domestic farmers and to move towards self-sufficiency. [...]
 - In most Eastern African countries, prices of locally-produced cereals declined in October as ongoing harvests and recently gathered crops increased domestic supplies. Prices were overall at [...]
 - In August 2024, domestic rice prices showed mixed trends month‑on‑month and were above their year-earlier levels, mostly driven by high production and transport costs along with [...]
 - Starting October 2015, in addition to its existing purchases of wheat and rice, India plans to buy oilseeds and pulses directly from farmers. The measure aims [...]
 - The Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (ADMARC), a government parastatal that procures and sells grain, started selling maize on 24 October 2016 at a subsidised price [...]
 - On 26 August 2021, the Government of the Republic of Belarus introduced a temporary ban on exports of wheat and meslin, rye, barley, oats, maize, buckwheat, [...]