Results filtered by: Food insecurity

 - With the harvest underway across the subregion, maize grain prices posted moderate declines in several countries, as local market supplies were augmented with the newly-harvested crops. [...]
 - Prices of coarse grains followed mixed trends in recent months in the subregion. Prices reached new record highs in South Sudan and the Sudan, underpinned by [...]
 - The Government temporarily reduced tariffs on imports of basic food commodities to limit price increases ahead of the new Iranian year starting on 21 March. Tariffs [...]
 - Amid high inflation rate, the Government revised the producer price of maize and wheat, which are now set at RTGS$ 726 per tonne and RTGS$ 1 [...]
 - In May 2024, domestic rice prices followed mixed trends and were well above their levels from the previous year in most countries of the subregion. In [...]
 - On 5 November, the Government, through the Strategic Food Reserve (SFR), announced the new purchasing price of maize, which was set at KES 2 300 (USD [...]