Results filtered by: Price transmission

 - The Ukrainian government and traders have agreed to limit to 1.2 million tonnes the milling wheat that will be exported between January and June 2015. More [...]
 - The Government plans on upgrading its granaries and building new storage facilities to store 50 million tonnes of grains by the end of 2015, according to [...]
 - The Government recently announced the cut of custom duties on soft wheat from 135 percent, set in May this year (FPMA Food Policies) to 35 percent [...]
 - On 17 December 2021, the Commission for Customs and Tariffs of the Russian Federation approved the Ministry of Agriculture’s proposal to set an 11 million tonnes quota on cereals [...]
 - The Government of Kazakhstan plans to remove the subsidy on bread from 1 January 2016. This measure aims to create a more competitive market and promote [...]
 - The Government of Brazil announced in Late January that it will auction 500 000 tonnes of maize from its state reserves. The measure aims to boost [...]
 - On 17 August 2020, the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture signed an annex to the grain memorandum with traders, agreeing on the export of [...]