GIEWS - Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture

Regular Reports

A quarterly publication focusing on developments affecting the food situation of developing countries and in particular the Low-Income Food-Deficit Countries (LIFDCs).

A biannual publication focusing on developments affecting global food and feed markets.

A quarterly statistical publication which contains a subset of FAO/GIEWS Country Cereal Balance System (CCBS) data. The report complements the information of the Crop Prospects and Food Situation report.

Reports on recent food price developments at world, regional and country level with a focus on developing countries.

Special Reports and Alerts

Short reports that describe anomalous food supply and agricultural situation in countries or subregions.

Short reports that describe an alarming food security situation that is developing in countries or sub-regions.

Reports which are often the result of Crop and Food Security Assessment Missions (CFSAMs) or rapid evaluation missions.

Reports with GIEWS Contributions

Weather and Climate


A collection of countries' market baseline information.