Welcome to the FAO/WHO GIFT dissemination platform!
This platform aims at supporting policy makers, program planners, NGO staff and many other stakeholders in taking informed decisions at country, regional and global level in the area of nutrition and food safety. FAO/WHO GIFT’s mission is to make publicly available existing quantitative individual food consumption data from all countries around the world, collected through both large nationwide and small scale surveys.
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The platform provides dietary indicators and summary statistics, as well as microdata.
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Are you a data owner?
Please contact [email protected] if your institution is interested in sharing individual quantitative food consumption data through FAO/WHO GIFT.

Nutrients Special Issue: Dietary Surveys and Guidance: From Data and Evidence to Action
Special issue launched with the journal Nutrients: Dietary Surveys and Guidance: from Data and Evidence to Action.

14th International Food Data Conference
14th International Food Data Conference (IFDC) — 1-3 September 2025, FAO Headquarters.
Related Links
- Food and Nutrition Division
- Nutrition Assessment
- International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS)
- Food and Agriculture Microdata Catalogue (FAM)
- Statistics
- Capacity Development
- World Health Organization
- European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
- Intake, Center for Dietary Assessment
- Global Dietary Database
- International Dietary Data Expansion (INDDEX) Project
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