Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels

Way Forward

FAO’s strategy for a sustainable Global Record is spread over four main areas.

System Development – The first area of action includes the development and implementation of a user-friendly public Global Record web portal, which however needs to be continuously updated with timely data about the global fishing fleet. The programme’s Phase 1 means that all vessels of 100 gross tonnage, or 24 m and above, are being included in the Information System. Subsequently, a Feasibility Study will be carried out to assess the most effective ways to move into Phases 2 and 3, which will respectively mean the inputting of data for vessels between 50 and 100 gross tonnage or between 18 and 24 m, and the input of data for vessels between 10 and 50 gross tonnage or between 12 and 18 m.

Capacity Development – The Global Record programme will be on the road to success if countries that use it have the technical and human capacity needed to gather and share data on their fishing fleets. Limited initiatives have already been taken in recent years in this regard. They will be intensified and diversified, to provide more assistance where especially needed.

Awareness Raising – An integral component of the programme’s success is awareness, by the partners and end users, of the benefits of the Global Record. Of equal importance is the understanding of the need for the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Number that serves as the Unique Vessel Identifier (UVI) for fishing vessels. The Global Record programme includes further initiatives in this area that will serve as outreach for partners, participants and other stakeholders including the general public.

Sectoral Synergy – The Global Record develops synergies with international instruments, such as the Port State Measures Agreement (PSMA), to fight IUU fishing. Sectoral synergy will be strengthened across local, national, regional and international initiatives.