

2024 - FAO
The sixth Meeting of the Global Record Informal Open-Ended Technical and Advisory Working Group (GRWG) was held in Rome on 12 December 2022. The meeting was attended by experts from FAO Members, intergovernmental organisations and international non-governmental organisations. Issues discussed included...
Media resources
2022 - FAO
A series of short animations were produced by the FAO to explain what the Global Record is and how it helps our quest towards sustainable fisheries.  View the animations here, here, or here.
Media resources
2021 - FAO
在此处观看此1分钟的视频.  Social media version, here. 
2020 - FAO
Transshipment is a widespread practice in marine capture fisheries, that has recently been associated with a possible risk of introducing catches derived from illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing into the supply chain. This in-depth study was carried out in order...
Media resources
2020 - FAO
关于转运的深入研究回答了渔委会和国际社会关于转运可能具有把非法、不报告和不管制(IUU)来源的鱼引入销售链的风险的持续关切。本手册介绍了这个研究的关键特征:包括采用的方法和主要结果。 在此处访问文档卡或在此处下载手册。
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