Global Soil Partnership

Global Symposium on Soils and Water


Recordings of the plenary sessions: DAY 1: Part 1 - Part 2 | DAY 2 | DAY 3 | DAY 4 


Rome - Four days of intense discussion kicked off today with the opening of the Global Symposium on Soils and Water, hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The relation between soil and water is deep and the “foundation of our agrifood systems, our environment, and our very existence,” FAO Director-General QU Dongyu said in opening remarks at the symposium, which includes more than 35 presentations on topics ranging from the impact of chemicals and wildfire on soil water retention capacity to better governance, integrated management and conservation of natural resources.

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GSOWA23 Presentations

DAY 1: 2 ottobre 2023

Plenary session


Moderator: Ms Maria Helena Semedo



  • Ms Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, FAO


  • H.E. Ms Josefa Leonel Correia Sacko, Commissioner of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy, and Sustainable Environment (ARBE), African Union Commission (video message)
  • Prof Laura Bertha Reyes Sánchez, Past President of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Mexico


Moderator: Mr Lifeng Li, Director, Land and Water Division, FAO


THEME 1. Soil and water management in rainfed agriculture

Moderator: Carolina Olivera, Land and Water Division, FAO

SETTING THE SCENE : Rafla Sahli E. Attia, Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia

  • Panellist 1: Rafla Sahli E. Attia, Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia
  • Panellist 2: Marcos Angelini, Global Soil partnership FAO 
  • Panellist 3: Hafiz Muminjanov, Plant Production and Protection Division, FAO


THEME 2. Soil and water management in irrigated agriculture

Moderator: Janet Nabwami, Land and Water Division, FAO

SETTING THE SCENE : Marco Arcieri, Vice-President Honoraire, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, Italy 

  • Panellist 1: Marco Arcieri, Vice-President Honoraire, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, Italy
  • Panellist 2: Mabvuso C. Sinda, Head, Soil Science Department, School of Agricultural Sciences, University of Zambia, Zambia
  • Panellist 3: Emilio Fuentes, Universidad Nacional Agrícola (UNAG), Honduras

THEME 3. Soil and water management under One Health framework

Moderator: Yuxin Tong, Land and Water Division, FAO

SETTING THE SCENE : Fairouz Larfaoui, One Health and Disease Control group, FAO

  • Panellist 1: Alexei Dominguez, Ministry of Agriculture, Guatemala
  • Panellist 2: Natalia Rodriguez Eugenio, Land and Water Division, FAO
  • Panellist 3: Fairouz Larfaoui, One Health and Disease Control group, FAO

THEME 4. Integrated soil and water management and effective governance

Moderator: Yusuf Yigini, Land and Water Division, FAO

SETTING THE SCENE : Vera Boerger, Land and Water Division, FAO

  • Panellist 1: Rafael Lopez, Ministry of Agriculture, Guatemala
  • Panellist 2: Vera Boerger, Land and Water Division, FAO
  • Panellist 3: Teemu Viinikainen, Legal office, FAO

DAY 2: 3 ottobre 2023

Plenary session

Technical session | THEME 1 — Soil and water management in rainfed agriculture

    Moderator: Filippo Benedetti, Land and Water Division, FAO

Technical sessions | THEME 2 — Soil and water management in irrigated agriculture

Moderator: Maria Konyushkova, Land and Water Division, FAO 

DAY 3: 4 October 2023

Plenary session

Technical sessions | THEME 3 — Soil and water management under One Health framework

Moderator: Sergejus Ustinov, Land and Water Division, FAO

Technical sessions | THEME 4 — Integrated soil and water management and effective governance

 Moderator: Giacomo Rocchegiani, Land and Water Division, FAO