
GSP Plenary Assembly - Third Session

List of documents


Opening of the Session

Keynote address


Adoption of the Agenda: for decision

GSPPA III/2015/1

Work of the Intergovernmental Technical Panel of Soils (ITPS):
for decision

  • Addendum 1 - Report by the chairperson on main activities and outcomes

GSPPA III/2015/2 Add1

  • Addendum 2 - Interface of ITPS with other pertinent bodies and initiatives

GSPPA III/2015/2 Add2

  • Addendum 3 - Endorsement of the Status of the World's Soil Resources Report (SWSR)
    • SWSR, Summary Report for Policy Makers (50 pages)
    • SWSR, Full report (604 pages, 16 mbytes)

GSPPA III/2015/2 Add3

  • Addendum 4 - Appointment of members of the ITPS

GSPPA III/2015/2 Add4

Plans of Action for the GSP pillars: for decision

  • Endorsement of the draft Plan of Action for Pillar 3
  • Progress in the implementation of agreed Plans of action, including eventual consideration of detailed Implementation Plans

GSPPA III/2015/3 


Concept note on sustainable management of soil resources:  for information and decision

GSPPA III/2015/4

Report on Regional Soil Partnerships: for information and decision

  • Development of Regional Implementation Plans (RIPs)

GSPPA III/2015/5

Report on the financial status of GSP, including the Healthy Soils Facility: for information and decision

  • Implication of resource limitations, including use of language in the GSP Plenary Assembly
  • Periodicity of GSP Plenary Assemblies

GSPPA III/2015/6

Implementation of the International Year of Soils: for information and decision


GSPPA III/2015/7

Implementation of the World Soil Day and its celebration in 2015: for information and decision

GSPPA III/2015/8

Election of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, and appointment of the Rapporteur for the next period: for decision

Date and venue of the next plenary session

Any other matters