Global Soil Partnership

Capacity development

Trainings on dry chemistry (spectroscopy)

Soil spectroscopy can change the course of soils’ future and keep soils healthy. Soil spectroscopy can help countries to understand soil conditions, improve agricultural productivity and reverse land degradation. It can also improve soil assessment, mapping and monitoring and finally support scientists and governments in the decision-making process. Read more

What is soil spectroscopy?

What is soil spectroscopy?

Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation and is based on the principle that molecular vibrations and electronic transitions associated with soil constituents absorb light while interacting with radiation. Soil spectroscopy is a fast, cost-effective, and environmental-friendly technique that can be used to characterize the chemical, physical and biological components of soil such as soil organic carbon, soil texture, etc. These determine the health and usability of soils.

What is this webinar series about?

What is this webinar series about?

Following the launch of the GLOSOLAN Soil Spectroscopy Initiative on Earth Day on 21 April 2020, the first plenary meeting on spectroscopy was held in a virtual setting on 23-25 September 2020. Over 340 participants from 63 countries attended and for the first time since the discovery of this technology, institutions, and experts from around the world decided to join efforts and use soil spectroscopy to support decision making on soil protection globally.

The GLOSOLAN initiative on soil spectroscopy will focus on a national capacity development programme. This includes trainings on national and regional soil spectral laboratories building and the development of national and regional soil spectral libraries with their estimation service, and the provision of advisory services on suitable instrumentation.

Why should I join this webinar series and who can join?

Why should I join this webinar series and who can join?

Spectral technology enables soil analysis at scales that can support local to global digital soil mapping and precision agriculture, reducing the cost of soil testing services for different users such as farmers and researchers. It will also assist the data-based policy development as well as soil monitoring for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

These webinars are firstly addressed to GLOSOLAN partners, soil researchers, soil laboratories, agricultural and environmental related agencies, etc. However, anybody interested in this technology and willing to support the global fight for healthy soils is invited to join!

What will I learn?

What will I learn?

This first series of webinars will feature leading and well-known soil scientists specialized in soil spectroscopy. They will present the basic mechanisms of soil spectroscopy to all interested stakeholders. They will also share their knowledge and experiences on the building of soil spectral libraries related to agriculture and environmental applications.

How will each webinar be structured?

How will each webinar be structured?

Each webinar session will last 1 hour. Each speaker will give a presentation of 30-45 minutes followed by a Q&A session. 

Will GLOSOLAN organize more webinars like this?

Will GLOSOLAN organize more webinars like this?

Yes! These webinars are just the beginning of GLOSOLAN's country capacity development workshops. So, stay tuned as more subjects and topics of interest will be covered in the next months, including webinar in different languages (e.g., Spanish, French, etc.).



Unlocking the Science of Soil and Plant Diagnostics at CIFOR-ICRAF's State-of-the-Art Laboratory

Unlocking the Science of Soil and Plant Diagnostics at CIFOR-ICRAF's State-of-the-Art Laboratory

11 June 2024 | 15:00 CEST 

SPEAKERS: Dr. Zampela Pittaki, Dickens Alubaka Ateku, Elvis Weullow

Details of the event | WATCH the RECORDING | DOWNLOAD the PRESENTATION

Spectral Sensing for Soil Contamination: From Ground to Space

Spectral Sensing for Soil Contamination: From Ground to Space

30 May 2024 | 14:00 CEST 

SPEAKERS: Asa Gholizadeh

Details of the event | WATCH the RECORDING | DOWNLOAD the PRESENTATION

Aspectos básicos del análisis de suelos mediante espectroscopía de infrarrojo cercano

Aspectos básicos del análisis de suelos mediante espectroscopía de infrarrojo cercano

29 May 2024 | 15:00 CEST 

SPEAKERS: Prof. Cesar Guerrero Maestre 

Details of the event | WATCH the RECORDING | DOWNLOAD the PRESENTATION 

Can we take vis-NIR spectroscopy to field to leverage digital soil mapping?

Can we take vis-NIR spectroscopy to field to leverage digital soil mapping?

16 April 2024 | 15:00 CEST 

SPEAKERS: Dr. Asim Biswas

Details of the event | WATCH the RECORDING | DOWNLOAD the PRESENTATION

Artificial intelligence and machine learning in soil spectroscopic modelling

Artificial intelligence and machine learning in soil spectroscopic modelling

5 July 2023 | 9:00 CEST 

SPEAKERS: Zefang Shen and Raphael Viscarra Rossel 

Details of the event | REGISTRATION | Presentation

Soil Spectroscopy and Deep Learning-based modeling for decision-making in agricultural contamination

Soil Spectroscopy and Deep Learning-based modeling for decision-making in agricultural contamination

3 March 2023 | 15:00 CEST 

SPEAKER: Franck Albinet 

Details of the event | WATCH the RECORDING  |  DOWNLOAD the PRESENTATION

Towards operational large-scale soil spectral libraries

Towards operational large-scale soil spectral libraries

11 October 2022 | 14:30 CEST 

SPEAKER: Leonardo Ramirez-Lopez 

Details of the event | Presentation (available soon) | Video recordings 

Soil sample preparation for MIR measurement. Is fine grinding necessary for accurate MIR predictions?  

07 September 2022 | 16:00 CEST 

SPEAKER: Dr Nuwan  Wijewardane   

Details of the event | Presentation | Video recordings 

Interpretation of mid infrared spectra of soil - Direct use of spectra to provide new insights

16 June 2022 | 15:00-17:00 CEST 

SPEAKER: Dr Jean Robertson

Details of the event | Presentation | Video recordings 

Soil spectroscopy from the Danish perspective

27 April 2022 | 14:00-16:00 CET 

SPEAKERS: Dr Maria Knadel, Dr Nicolai Bork
Language: English

Details of the event | Presentation Dr Knadel | Presentation Dr Bork | Recordings

The role of spectroscopy in promoting precision agriculture solutions

The role of spectroscopy in promoting precision agriculture solutions

24 March 2022 | 14:00-16:00 CET 

SPEAKER:  Prof Abdul M. Mouazen

Details of the event  | Presentation | Recordings 

Measuring reflectance of undisturbed soil surface in the field under laboratory quality: A protocol to assess soil properties that are sensitive to the soil sealing phenomenon

Measuring reflectance of undisturbed soil surface in the field under laboratory quality: A protocol to assess soil properties that are sensitive to the soil sealing phenomenon

28 October 2021 | 15:00 CET

SPEAKER: Eyal Ben-Dor

Details of the event | Presentation | Recordings

Characterization of soil properties using French national Vis-NIR and MIR spectral libraries

Characterization of soil properties using French national Vis-NIR and MIR spectral libraries

14 October 2021 | 14:00 CET

SPEAKER: Cecile Gomez

Details of the event | Presentation | Recordings

The Brazilian Soil Spectral Library Experience from scientific to society services

The Brazilian Soil Spectral Library Experience from scientific to society services

4 October 2021 | 15:00 CEST

SPEAKER:  José Alexandre M. Demattê

Details of the event | Presentation | Recordings 

A future for soil spectral inference

A future for soil spectral inference

23 September 2021 | 8:00 CET

SPEAKER: Alex McBratney

Details of the event | First presentation & second presentation | Recordings | Highlight 

Soil Spectroscopy for accurate measurement of soil physical and chemical soil properties

Soil Spectroscopy for accurate measurement of soil physical and chemical soil properties

16 September 2021 | 9:00 CET

SPEAKER: Budiman Minasny

Details of the event | Presentation | Recordings | Highlight 

Introduction to Soil Spectroscopy

Introduction to Soil Spectroscopy

6 September 2021 | 15:00 CET

SPEAKER: Bo Stenberg

Details of the event | Presentation | Recordings | Highlight