Global Soil Partnership

Presentations | 4th NENALAB meeting

22 January 2024

Opening, approval of the agenda and group picture | Mr. Elh Moudi Moustapha Abdourahaman, Chair of GLOSOLAN Mr. Abdelmjid Zouahri, vice-Chair of NENALAB

Item 1: Updates from GLOSOLAN, NENALAB and report of the 7th GLOSOLAN meeting | Mr. Filippo Benedetti, GLOSOLAN coordinator

Item 2: Regional assessment of soil laboratories capacities and needs in the Near East and North Africa region | Mr. Mohammed Salih Dafalla, report author

Item 3: Proficiency Tests (PTs) 

Item 4. NENALAB roadmap 2023-2025 | Moderator Ms. Yara Khairallah, NENALAB vice-Chair

Item 5. Renew of NENALAB governance | Moderator Mr. Filippo Benedetti, GSP Secretariat – FAO