Global Soil Partnership

The International Capacity Development Group on Soil Spectroscopy (SoilSpecNet)

During the second GLOSOLAN-Spec Plenary Meeting in 2021, GLOSOLAN-Spec was tasked to collect and publish detailed information of advanced soil spectroscopy institutions and laboratories in relation to their capacities, research interests, joint projects, and scholarship opportunities. Based this information, countries will be able to find suitable partners for further spectroscopy development within their countries and regions in a more efficient manner. GLOSOLAN-Spec refers to this advanced soil spectroscopy institutions and laboratories group as SoilSpecNet.


GLOSOLAN-Spec encourages advanced soil spectroscopy laboratories and institutes to actively engage with countries and share their knowledge and experiences to support capacity development in different countries and regions. GLOSOLAN-Spec is actively exploring and inviting advanced soil spectroscopy institutions and laboratories to join SoilSpecNet and support further spectroscopy development in different countries.

The group aims to:

  1. Develop the capacities of at least one soil spectroscopy institution/laboratory per country that will thereafter join SoilSpecNet; and
  2. Under the auspices of GLOSOLAN, support the development of the Global Soil Information System (GloSIS) and the National Soil Information Systems by providing estimated soil property data to the International Network of Soil Information Institutions (INSII) for soil mapping and modelling purposes.

SoilSpecNet will be composed of

  1. Internationally recognized soil spectroscopy institutions and laboratories; and
  2. Private sectors (e.g. manufacturers and private laboratories) specialized in soil spectroscopy that prove not to have any conflict of interest with GLOSOLAN and GLOSOLAN-Spec.

To learn more about the institutes and laboratories registered with SoilSpecNet and the type of support they can offer, please consult the interactive map below, by clicking on flags in the country or region of your choice.

DenmarkGermanyBelgiumFranceSwedenCzech RepublicAustraliaChinaMoroccoIsraelKenyaBrazilUSA

The decision of the SoilSpecNet was approved at the third Plenary meeting on soil spectroscopy in 2022, the Terms of Reference and decision document of the SoilSpecNet can be found in the report of the third plenary meeting on soil spectroscopy of the GLOSOLAN.