Global Soil Partnership


The Soil Spectroscopy Group at the Swedish University of Agricultural Science (SLU)

The Department of Soil and Environment, Precision Agriculture and Pedometrics.

Contact(s): Johanna Wetterlind and Bo Sternberg

Laboratory Capacity

Soil spectroscopy is one of the research areas within the Precision Agriculture theme in the Soil Nutrient Cycling group at the department of Soil and Environment, SLU.  With over 20 years of experience using vis-NIR spectroscopy for predictions of basic and functional soil properties with a focus on farm and filed scale variations for agricultural soil and crop management.

The research also includes the MIR region and more recently also remote sensing applications. We have also developed a Swedish national vis-NIR soil spectral library (>12 500 top soil samples). The spectroscopy lab is a research lab and therefore not included in the service labs at the department with dedicated laboratory staff. The majority of our instruments have the possibility for in-field measurements. The available instruments include ASD FiledSpec and ASD QualitySpec Trek Portable Spectrometer (Malvern Panalytical, Massachusetts, US), Agilent 4300 Handheld FTIR (Agilent, California US), Alpha II (Bruker GmbH, Germany) and Veris P4000 vis-NIR-ECa-IF probe (Veris Technologies, Kansas US. We also have a Tec 5 AgroSpec (Tec5, Germany) dedicated for on line manure analysis.

Areas of Interest

The Department of Soil and Environment, Precision Agriculture and Pedometrics, are interested in collaborations, including joint projects, joint publications, supervising postgraduate students and host visiting scientists.


Advanced Soil Spectroscopy laboratories and Institutes are highly welcome to join SoilSpecNet (SSN) and any soil laboratories and institutes are encouraged to collaborate with listed SSN labs and institutes for the capacity development of soil spectroscopy, by sending an email to [email protected] and [email protected].