Global Symposium on Soil Information and Data
Posters | Recordings | In the news | Communication material
DAY 1: 25 September 2024
Plenary Session
Plenary Session
Moderator: Lifeng Li - Director, Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Integrate legacy data to better predict soil behavior and soil resource management | Ganlin Zhang - Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Next-generation soil carbon systems | Raphael Viscarra Rossel - Curtin University, Australia
- The third law of geography: a new perspective on digital soil mapping | A-Xing Zhu - University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
- FAIR Soil data in support of sustainable land management | Fenny van Egmond - ISRIC World Soil Information, The Netherlands
- Past, present, and future of proximal sensing of soils: challenges and opportunities | Eyal Ben Dor - Tel Aviv University, Israel
- From data to decisions: transforming nitrogen management for sustainable food production and environment | Deli Chen - University of Melbourne, Australia
- Break barriers in soil data stewardship by rewarding data generators | Asim Biswas - University of Guelph, Canada
Parallel session 1
Parallel session 1
- Soil Data Recency: The Foundation for Harmonizing Soil Data Across Time | Tegbaru Gobezie PhD - University of Guelph, Canada
- FAIR and harmonized soil and subsoil data through a cross domain collaboration | Luts Dries - Department of Environment & Spatial Development, government of Flanders, Belgium
- Formalized data and models descriptions for the development of a soil digital twins framework | Vasilyeva Nadezda- V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, Russia
- Harmonizing legacy soil data to transfer sustainable soil management (SSM) technology in coastal region of Bangladesh | Afm Manzurul Hoque - Soil Resource Development Institute, Bangladesh
- Enabling the effective exchange of inspire-compliant soil data through the ejp soil implementation of the inspire good practice on geopackage encoding | Andrea Lachi, Maria Fantappiè* - Council For Agricultural Research And Agricultural Economy Analysis (CREA), Italy
- Soilwise: repository pioneering the future of soil data and knowledge management for the european union soil observatory | Tomas Reznik - Masaryk University, Czechia
- Harmonisation of methods - the way to implement global initiatives: the case on SOC by Tyurin, Walkley-Black, Loss on Ignition and Dry Combustion methods | Elena Shamrikova - Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of RAS, Russia
- Harmonized soil biodiversity database to foster sustainable management practices and monitor soil health | Rajasekaran Murugan - University Of Natural Resources And Life Sciences, Austria
- Participatory soil, land, crop data catalog to facilitate informed decision-making based on open standards and open-source software | Paul Van Genuchten, Fenny Van Egmond* ISRIC - World Soil Information, The Netherlands
Parallel session 2
Parallel session 2
- Advancing soil spectroscopy in Morocco: optimization of spectra acquisition and machine learning model’s quality | Issam Barra - Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco
- Improving the prediction of multiple soil properties using Vis-NIR spectroscopy by combining ensemble preprocessing with variable selection methods | Jiangtao Yang, Hongyi Li* - Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, China
- The complementarity of conventional soil testing and FTIR Spectroscopy for rapid appraisal of soil properties in Morocco | Laila Tajeddine - Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco
- Non-linear memory-based learning for predicting soil properties using A regional Vis-NIR spectral library | Zheng Wang - Zhejiang University, China
- Use of visible near-and mid-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of soil properties in highland agricultural land | Elton Mammadov - Ministry of Agriculture, Azerbaijan
- A comprehensive review of the accuracy and costs of prediction and mapping of soil properties using proximal electromagnetic sensors | Carlos Lozano Fondón, Triven Koganti* Council For Agricultural Research And Agricultural Economy Analysis (CREA), Italy
Parallel session 3
Parallel session 3
- High-resolution thematic soil mapping at EU level based on the combined use of LUCAS and national soil monitoring data in the framework of the EJP SOIL project | Maria Fantappiè - Council For Agricultural Research And Agricultural Economy Analysis (CREA), Italy
- Global soil salinity estimation at 10 m using multi-source remote sensing | Nan Wang - Zhejiang University, China
- Technologies for remote assessment of soil degradation based on large-scale mapping data on the example of Minsk region in Belarus | Chervan Aliaksandr - Belarussian State University, Belarus
- Spatio-temporal Evolution Of Cropland Ecosystem Services Value and its spatially varying dominate over the past two decades: A case study in Jiangxi province in Southern China | Modian Xie, Hongyi Li* - Jiangxi University Of Finance And Economics, China
Parallel session 4
Parallel session 4
- Emi technique: rapid appraisal of soil salinity at regional scale | Bhaskar Narjary - Icar-central Soil Salinity Research Institute, India
- Minimizing vegetation influence on soil salinity mapping with novel bare soil pixels from multi-temporal images | Danyang Wang, Zhaofu Li* - Nanjing Agricultural University, China
- High-resolution soil mapping based on LiDAR data: a case study of a hungarian lowland area | Katalin Takács - HUN-REN ATK Institute For Soil Sciences, Hungary
- Enhancing soil organic carbon mapping: the role of multiscale landscape metrics | Jiaxue Wang, Yiyun Chen* - Wuhan University, China
- Mapping the WRB 2022 soil types of europe at 30 m resolution | Robert Minarik - Opengeohub, The Netherlands
- Modelling soil organic carbon stock changes as affected by land use/land cover change between 2017 and 2022 in the Makhalaneng and Maletsunyane sub-catchments, Lesotho | Masobeng Thabo Augustinus - National University Of Lesotho, Lesotho
- Temporal and spatial dynamics of productivity in eurasian black soils: trends between 2001 and 2021 | Nándor Csikós - HUN-REN ATK Institute For Soil Sciences, Hungary
Parallel session 5
Parallel session 5
- National atlas of Mexico 2022: the anthropogenic impact on the soil | Carlos Omar Cruz-Gaistardo, National Autonomous University Of Mexico, Mexico
- Creation of the national soil information system of Ukraine as a component of the global informatization process | Vitalii Lebed National Scientific Centre “Institute For Soil Science And Agrochemistry Research Named After A. N. Sokolovsky” (NSC ISSAR), Ukraine
- Application of high spatial density soil geochemical mapping - the geochemical atlas of Cyprus | David Cohen University Of New South Wales, Australia
- Comparing soil properties between Lucas soil and national soil information monitoring system (N-sims) in Europe: major differences and implications for future policies to evaluate soil quality | Claire Froger French National Institute For Agricultural Research (INRAE), France
- Reporting on the status of all soils in Flanders (Belgium) based on a soil organic carbon monitoring network on soils of all land use classes including soils in settlement areas (land take) | Katrien Oorts - Department Of Environment & Spatial Development, Government Of Flanders, Belgium
- Assessing the extent of soil degradation in A semi-arid ecosystem in South Deccan plateau, India | Karthika K S - National Bureau Of Soil Survey And Land Use Planning, India
- The european soil data centre (ESDAC 2.0) evolution in the core of EU agro-environmental policies | Panos Panagos - European Commission
- Soil data for increasing soil organic matter: the key to food security, resource management, and global development agendas | Praveena Sridhar - Isha Foundation, India
Parallel session 6
Parallel session 6
- Time-series of landsat-based spectral indices for continental europe for 2000 - 2022 to support soil health monitoring | Xuemeng Tian Opengeohub & Wageningen University And Research, The Netherlands
- Healthy soil for healthy society: major threats in soil management at the european level – lessons from the GEMAS project | Anna Ladenberger Geological Survey Of Sweden, Sweden
- Depth to water index as a tool to identify cultivated peat soils suitable for rewetting | Hanna Kekkonen Luke Natural Resources Institute, Finland
- National scale soil geochemical data and their multidisciplinary use: the case of Spain | Paula Adánez-sanjuan Instituto Geológico Y Minero De España, Spain
- Evaluation of fertilization practices in Northwestern Libya: a soil fertility assessment | Jalal Elgadi - Agricultural Research Center, Libya
- Features of spatio-temporal variation of soil heavy metal pollution in China’s greenhouse agricultural over the past two decades | Chongcan Wu, Bifeng Hu* - Jiangxi University Of Finance And Economics, China
- Agropedological potential of natural fallow soils of Estuary province in Gabon | Ndzengboro Endamane - Institute Of Agricultural And Forestry Research, Gabon
DAY 2: 26 September 2024
Parallel session 1
Parallel session 1
- GLOSIS soil data exchange model and ontology: current status and future developments | Luís M. De Sousa, Fenny Van Egmond* - ISRIC - World Soil Information, The Netherlands
- Ggsoiltexture: an R package for plotting soil textural data | Sara Acevedo - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
- Hydrophysical database for brazilian soils: a holistic and updated version | Marta Ottoni - Geological Survey of Brazil, Brazil
- Factors influencing spatial variability of N2O emissions across diverse land use types in Argentina: a structural equation modeling approach | Juan Manuel Piñeiro-Guerra, Nuria Lewczuk* Facultad De Agronomía, Argentina
- Innovative technology, soil information modelling and distributed query allow delivery of nationally standardised soil site and analytical data through a well-governed Australian national soil information system (ANSIS) | Peter Wilson - Commonwealth Scientific And Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
- Towards global harmonization of soil spectral data: standards and protocols in the context of IEEE SA P4005 working group | Eyal Ben Dor - Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Information model-driven harmonisation of distributed soil observation data for the australian national soil information system (ANSIS) | Alistair Ritchie - Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, New Zealand
- Insights from developing A global, harmonized, and normalized database of soil parameters for agricultural practices | Gaël Foëx - Stenon GmbH, Germany
- The problem of global soil data integration and its possible solution | Aleksandra Nikiforova, Maria E. Fleis, Nina K. Belyonova - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
- A novel modality for measuring aggregate stability via smartphone image analysis | Elizabeth Rieke - Soil Health Institute, USA
- The importance of A harmonized approach in soil microbial analysis: the standard operating procedures of the FAO’s Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) | Nopmanee Suvannang - Ministry Of Agriculture And Cooperatives, Thailand
- Functional diversity of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in Bharuch, Gujarat, India | Neil J Shah, Krishna Chudasama* - Agri Biochem Research Lab, India
- A GLOSOLAN quality certificate for carbon analytical results: why and how it should be quickly implemented | Nopmanee Suvannang, Christian Hartmann* Ministry Of Agriculture And Cooperatives, Thailand
- Assessing spatial variability of soil physicochemical properties for precision agriculture, in A ghanaian semi deciduous forest | Angela Lartey – Young University Of Cape Coast, Ghana
- Standardisation and harmonisation of soil geochemical methods |
Alecos Demetriades Institute Of Geology And Mineral Exploration, Greece - Modelling and quantifying soil organic carbon in australian agricultural soils using interpretable machine learning techniques | Huirong Jing, Alexis Pang* University Of Melbourne, Australia
Parallel session 2
Parallel session 2
- Application of mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy to identify and quantify minerals in New Zealand soils | Yuxin Ma - Manaaki Whenua−Landcare Research, New Zealand
- Soil spectroscopy strategy for PAH detection in an aged creosote-contaminated site | Alexandre Muselli Barbosa - Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas, Brazil
- In-situ characterization of soil properties using Vis-NIR spectroscopy | Asim Biswas - University of Guelph, Canada
- Quantitative analysis of hydraulic soil proprieties using midinfrared spectroscopy coupled with chemometric modeling | Ghassan Mohamed - Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco
- Spectral prediction of soil organic carbon fractions in tropical cropland using A regional visible and near-infrared spectral library and machine learning | Lingju Dai, Songchao Chen* - Zhejiang University, China
- Expanding the european soil bulk density and organic carbon stock database using machine learning based pedotransfer functions | Songchao Chen - Zhejiang University, China
- Legacy data for information digital assessment of contemporary soil-forming processes | Irina Mikheeva - Institute Of Soil Science And Agrochemistry Of SB RAS, Russia
- Information from the soil up: The SoilFER project | Isabel Luotto - Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)
- Strengthening national soil analysis capacities: laboratory component under the SoilFER project in Central America and sub-Saharan Africa | Edgar Martinez - National Coffee Association (ANACAFÉ), Guatemala, Carlos Zelaya - Agricultural Soil Laboratory of the National University of Agriculture, Honduras, Rogers Kabiti - Zambia Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI), Zambia
- Building National Soil Information Systems: leveraging data for sustainable soil management and decision support in the SoilFER Project | Stalin Schinga - Zambia Agricultural Research Institute (ZARI), Zambia, Rafael Lopez - Directorate of Geographic Information, Strategic Planning, and Risk Management (DIGEGR), Guatamala, Ricardo Peña - University of Zamorano, Honduras
Parallel session 3
Parallel session 3
- Multisoils: A digital platform for information search and project management in soil science | Marcos Bacis Ceddia - Federal Rural University Of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
- Surface soil moisture estimation for temperate forests with the application of remote sensing techniques | Kyaw Win - University of Tokyo, Japan
- Soil health information and monitoring system of mexico (SHIMS): from soil surveys and photointerpretation to big data and soil neural networks | Carlos Omar Cruz-Gaistardo - Fastfarm Inc., USA
- Cropland abandonment in Jiangxi: patterns, drivers, and implications for food security | Qian Zhu, Bifeng Hu* - Jiangxi University Of Finance And Economics, China
- Evaluating digital soil maps by their patterns | David G. Rossiter - ISRIC-World Soil Information, The Netherlands
- Assessing the suitability of proximal soil sensors for peat characterization | Triven Koganti - Aarhus University, Denmar
- Predicting and mapping of soil organic carbon stock in Karnataka using multiple datasets | Dharumarajan S - National Bureau Of Soil Survey And Land Use Planning, India
- Local mapping and monitoring of chernozems military degradation for Chkalov community of Ukraine | Sviatoslav Baliuk, Arkadiy Levin* - National Scientific Centre “Institute For Soil Science And Agrochemistry Research Named After A. N. Sokolovsky”(NSC ISSAR), Ukraine
- Research on key algorithms for global erosion topographic factor extraction | Yuwei Sun, Lu Du* - Northwest A & F University, China
- Digital mapping of peat extent and thickness in Finland using machine learning and remote sensing | Maarit Middleton - Geological Survey Of Finland (GTK), Finland
- Soil fertility maps of Mali | Souleymane Dambe - CRRA/Sotuba, Mali
- Digital soil mapping based on individual sample representativeness | Fanghe Zhao - Institute Of Geographic Sciences And Natural Resources Research, CAS, China
- New perspectives on chemo-cultural spatial anomalies in soils: the role of high resolution soil chemistry | Roger Doonan - Archaeological Research Services Ltd, UK
- Developing Digital Soil Health Monitoring and Assessment Infrastructure: Way Towards Climate-smart Agriculture | Pushpajeet L. Choudhari - International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
Parallel session 4
Parallel session 4
- Advances in DSM for global and continental applications: innovative covariates, model applicability and spatial uncertainty assessment | Laura Poggio - ISRIC-World Soil Information, The Netherlands
- Spatio-temporal mapping of topsoil organic carbon stocks under different lulc dynamics in Brazil (1985-2021) | Bárbara Costa Da Silva - Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM), Brazi
- Peruvian soil legacy data: a tool for quantify pedodiversity | Carlos Mestanza - Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Peru
- Mapping SOC in farmland of Southern China using a Bayesian spatial model | Hanjie Ni, Bifeng Hu* - Jiangxi University Of Finance And Economics, China
- Digital soil maps reveal highly degraded coarse textured soils of eastern uganda: suitable restoration options are needed | Emmanuel Opolot - Makerere University, Uganda
- Remotely sensed inter-field variation in soil organic carbon content as influenced by the cumulative effect of conservation tillage in Northeast China | Jiamin Ma - Jilin University, China
- Using satellite-derived attributes as soil carbon cycling proxies for mapping carbon stocks of alpine grassland soils | Renmin Yang - Tianjin University, China
- Advances in digital mapping of soil quality indices | Yahya Parvizi - Agricultural Research, Education And Extension Organization (AREEO), Iran
- Space-time modelling of soil organic carbon stock change at multiple scales: case study from Hungary | Gábor Szatmári - HUN-REN ATK Institute For Soil Sciences, Hungary
- The thickness estimation of soil layers in the coastal saline areas based on GPR measurement and U-Net model | Ping Wang - Qufu Normal University, China
Parallel session 5
Parallel session 5
- SmartSolos expert: software for classifying brazilian soil profiles | Glauber José Vaz - Embrapa Digital Agriculture, Brazil
- The soil spectral library reaches society towards sustainable development | Jean Jesus Macedo Novais - University Of São Paulo, Brazil
- Federated learning in soil spectroscopy | Giannis Gallios - University Of Florida, USA
- Enhancing agricultural and environmental sustainability through the syrian soil database | Hussam Hag Husein - University Of Erlangennuremberg, Germany
- Iran soil info: open access soil data at your fingertips | Sina Mallah - Agricultural Research, Education And Extension Organization (ARREO), Iran
- Creating a public-private soil data federation: the visualizing australasia’s soils project | Peter Dahlhaus - Federation University Australia, Australia
- On soil data sharing: legal framework and general sharing policies resulting from the investigation done in EJP SOIL H2020 EU research programme | Maria Fantappiè - Council For Agricultural Research And Agricultural Economy Analysis (CREA), Italy
- Automated extraction and lossless fusion of multi-source test data for heterogeneous tables - example of constructing a database of heavy metals in groundwater from contaminated sites based on literature sources | Anbo Li, Xianli Xie* - Nanjing Normal University, China
- Soil information initiatives at national level: a need for collaboration | Fenny Van Egmond - Wageningen University And Research, The Netherlands
- Enabling environments for soil information system (SIS) success: new evidence for improving sis intervention design | Mariah Coley, Fenny Van Egmond* CAB International, Data Policy & Practice
- National soil data in EU countries, where do we stand? | Sophie Cornu, Antonio Bispo* - French National Institute For Agricultural Research (INRAE), France
- The status of soil laboratories worldwide: the results of the GLOSOLAN global assessment on laboratories capacities and needs | Filippo Benedetti - Food And Agriculture Organization Of The UN (FAO)
- Lime-SoDa: open-access datasets for trustworthy benchmarking in digital soil mapping studies | Jonas Schmidinger - Osnabrück University, Germany
- Expanding access to soil data: soilhive strategy to promote global collaboration | Ester Miglio - Varda, Switzerland
- Spatio-temporal soil information based on open and collaborative science | Taciara Zborowski - Paraná University Of Technology, Brazil
Parallel session 6
Parallel session 6
- Sensitiveness of soil organic C fractions to sugarcane straw removals | Gianina Vassallo, Jorge Chalco-vera* Universidad Nacional De Salta, Argentina
- Soil quality assessment in high and low productivity areas of a banana farm in the caribbean of Costa Rica | Jose Pablo Vargas Fernández Universidad De Costa Rica, Costa Rica
- Interacting effects of land use and soil types on soil quality based on soil carbon management index and aggregate stability in Melka Kuntrie watershed, upper awash river basin, Ethiopia | Mohammed Yimam Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
- Impact of long-term fertilization and manuring on carbon carrying capacities of alfisols | Suvana Sukumaran ICAR-Central Research Institute For Dryland Agriculture, India
- Increasing the green manure seed value chain for enhanced soil sustainability and multi-stakeholder empowerment in Thailand | Nisa Meesang - Land Development Department, Thailand
- Are recommended fertilizer rates able to maintain nutrient status and balance in soil and optimize crop profit in intensive rice-based crop rotations: evidence from A 20-year study | Utpol Kumar - Ministry Of Agriculture, Bangladesh
- National analysis of soil information and relevant policies in line with the EU soil monitoring law | Sevinc Madenoglu - Ministry Of Agriculture And Forestry, Türkiye
- Farming digital data; even when the cows come home | John Triantafilis - Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, New Zealand
- Unlocking soil potential through regression kriging-based micronutrient management in calcareous soils in central area, Thailand | Pasicha Chaikaew - Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- Valuing soil laboratory information in defining policy guidelines for improving soil health and productivity | Aftab Naseem, Abbas Muhamamd Aziz* - Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited, Pakistan
- Soil quality index (SQI) for evaluating the sustainability status of kakia-esamburmbur catchment under three different land use types in Narok county, Kenya | Wendyam Arsene Flavien Damiba - Jomo Kenyatta University Of Agriculture And Technology (JKUAT), Kenya
- The EU soil observatory contribution to EU policies | Nils Broothaerts - European Commission - Joint Research Centre (JRC)
- GIS Sol: the french consortium in charge for more than 20 years of collecting and disseminating soil information | Antonio Bispo - French National Institute For Agricultural Research (INRAE), France
- Soil information for land use planning and combating desertification in Lebanon, East Mediterranean | Talal Darwish - National Council For Scientific Research, Lebanon
DAY 3: 27 September 2024
Parallel session 3
Parallel session 3
- Assessing the soil capacity to produce food and biomass worldwide | Nícolas Augusto Rosin - University Of São Paulo, Brazil
Parallel Session 4
Parallel Session 4
- Three-dimensional mapping of soil organic matter at regional-scale in the black soil areas with the fusion of proximal and remote sensing data using INLA-SPADE | Wenjun Ji - China Agricultural University, China
- Soil information systems opportunities and gaps: colombian case study | Rosalina Gonzalez - Universidad De La Salle, Colombia
- Harnessing microbial diversity for sustainable agriculture in southeast Asia: a framework analysis | Yuen Yoong Leong UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Malaysia
- Incorporating cultivation feature and crop information for soil salinity mapping in cropland | Caiyun Wen, Miao Lu* - Institute Of Agricultural Resources And Regional Planning, Chinese Academy Of Agricultural Sciences, China
- National-scale soil geochemical data for the Conterminous United States | David B. Smith International Union Of Geological Sciences (IUGS)
- Mapping organic carbon in cropland soils of Poonch Division, Azad Jammu & Kashmir for future monitoring under land use and climate change | Majid Mahmood Tahir - University Of Poonch Rawalakot, Pakistan
- Soil data driving decision-making and good soil care by non-soil experts in Flanders (Belgium) | Annick Gommers, Katrien Oorts* Kenter B.V., Belgium
Plenary session
Plenary session
- Theme 1: Mainstreaming soil data: innovations in analysis, standardization, harmonization and communication | Nopmanee Suvannang- Land Development Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand
- Theme 2: Advances in soil mapping and monitoring | Feng Liu - Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Theme 3: Soil data for policy and decision-making | Sevinc Madenoglu - Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Türkiye
- Theme 4: Soil data as a common good | Fenny van Egmond - ISRIC -World Soil Information, Netherlands
- CONCLUSIONS AND WAY FORWARD | Yuxin Tong - Land and Water Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)