Alianza Mundial por el Suelo

First ITPS Working Session

The Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils held its first working session on 22-26 July 2013 at FAO headquarters in Rome.

The main outputs of this working session were:

  • review and endorsement of  the draft Plans of Action for Pillars 1, 2, 3 and 5 of the GSP;
  • ensure due reflection of soils in the Sustainable Development Goals. A draft Issue “Brief on Soils and the Sustainable Development Goals” was produced as a contribution to the Post 2015 process;
  • development and production of the first version of the new and seminal “Report on Status of World Soil Resources (RWSR)”;
  • interfacing with other panels or platforms of similar international standing: e.g. IPCC (climate change), IPBES (biodiversity) and also with other Organizations with direct interest in soils;
  • update of the World Soil Chapter. 

ITPS experts 2013-2015 during its first Working Session | 22-26 July 2013