Global Soil Partnership

Presentations | NETSOB First meeting

Virtual meeting | 7-10 February 2022



ITEM 1. Introduction to the meeting - Mr Peter de Ruiter, NETSOB Chair

ITEM 2. Endorsement of the Agenda and group picture - Ms Rosa Cuevas Corona, NETSOB coordinator, FAO

ITEM 3. Development of guidelines for measuring, assessing and monitoring (MAM) soil biodiversity - Mr George Brown, NETSOB WG 1 Vice Chair

ITEM 4. Self-nomination (lead/contributing authors) for the different sections of the guidelines for MAM soil biodiversity - Mr Carlos Guerra, NETSOB WG 1 Vice Chair alternate

Establishment of the WG 1 Scientific Committee

ITEM 5. Selection process results - Mr George Brown, NETSOB WG 1 Vice Chair

ITEM 6. Presentations of the selected candidates for the Scientific Committee - Mr George Brown, NETSOB WG 1 Vice Chair

ITEM 7. NETSOB - GLOSOLAN joint working group - Ms Lucrezia Caon, GLOSOLAN coordinator, FAO/Mr Filippo Benedetti, GLOSOLAN coordinator alternate, FAO

ITEM 8. NETSOB's structure - Ms Rosa Cuevas Corona, NETSOB coordinator, FAO

ITEM 9. Closure of the meeting and next venue - Mr George Brown, NETSOB WG 1 Vice Chair



ITEM 1. Introduction to the meeting - Mr Peter de Ruiter, NETSOB Chair

ITEM 2. Endorsement of the Agenda and group picture - Ms Rosa Cuevas Corona, NETSOB coordinator, FAO

ITEM 3. Development of a field manual on good management practices to conserve soil biodiversity and pre-vent soil biodiversity loss - Ms Zöe Lindo, NETSOB WG 2 Vice Chair

ITEM 4. Self-nomination (lead/contributing authors) for the different sections of the field manual on good management practices to conserve soil biodiversity and prevent soil biodiversity loss - Mr Jeff Battigelli, NETSOB WG 2 Vice Chair alternate

Establishment of the WG 2 Scientific Committee

ITEM 5. Selection process results - Ms Zöe Lindo, NETSOB WG 2 Vice Chair

ITEM 6. Presentations of the selected candidates for the Scientific Committee - Ms Zöe Lindo, NETSOB WG 2 Vice Chair

ITEM 7. NETSOB's structure - Ms Rosa Cuevas Corona, NETSOB coordinator, FAO

ITEM 8. Closure of the meeting and next venue - Ms Zöe Lindo, NETSOB WG 2 Vice Chair



ITEM 1. Introduction to the meeting - Mr Peter de Ruiter, NETSOB Chair

ITEM 2. Endorsement of the Agenda and group picture - Ms Rosa Cuevas Corona, NETSOB coordinator, FAO

ITEM 3. Development of the methodology for the economic valuation of ecosystem services provided by soil biodiversity - Mr Gian Luca Bagnara, NETSOB WG 3 Vice Chair

ITEM 4. Self-nomination (lead/contributing authors) for the different sections of the methodology for the eco-nomic valuation of ecosystem services provided by soil biodiversity - Mr Giulio Malorgio, NETSOB WG 3 Vice Chair alternate

Establishment of the WG 3 Scientific Committee

ITEM 5. Selection process results - Mr Gian Luca Bagnara, NETSOB WG 3 Vice Chair

ITEM 6. Presentations of the selected candidates for the Scientific Committee - Mr Gian Luca Bagnara, NETSOB WG 3 Vice Chair

ITEM 7. NETSOB's structure - Ms Rosa Cuevas Corona, NETSOB coordinator, FAO

ITEM 8. Closure of the meeting and next venue - Mr Gian Luca Bagnara, NETSOB WG 3 Vice Chair



ITEM 1. Introduction to the meeting - Mr Peter de Ruiter, NETSOB Chair

ITEM 2. Endorsement of the Agenda and group picture - Ms Rosa Cuevas Corona, NETSOB coordinator, FAO

Working group activities

ITEM 3. Development of policy briefs on the state of knowledge, protection, conservation, and sustainable use of soil biodiversity at national, regional, and global levels - Ms Rosalina González, NETSOB WG 4 Vice Chair

ITEM 4. Self-nomination for the development of policy briefs on the state of knowledge, protection, conservation, and sustainable use of soil biodiversity - Mr Luca Montanarella, NETSOB WG 4 Vice Chair alternate

Establishment of the WG 4 Scientific Committee

ITEM 5. Selection process results - Ms Rosalina González, NETSOB WG 4 Vice Chair

ITEM 6. Presentations of the selected candidates for the Scientific Committee - Ms Rosalina González, NETSOB WG 4 Vice Chair

ITEM 7. NETSOB's structure - Ms Rosa Cuevas Corona, NETSOB coordinator, FAO

ITEM 8. Closure of the meeting and next venue - Ms Rosalina González, NETSOB WG 4 Vice Chair