Global Soil Partnership

Postdoctoral position in soil remote sensing

Institution: Department of Geography at the Porter School of Environment and Earth Sciences, Faculty of Exact Sciences - School of Plant Sciences and Food Security, Faculty of Life Sciences Tel Aviv University

Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

Deadline: 20 August 2022

The Remote Sensing Lab (Prof. Eyal Ben Dor) jointly with the Plant Ecology Lab (Prof. Marcelo Sternberg) at Tel Aviv University is searching for a highly motivated post-doctoral candidate for a 12-month position willing to combine remote sensing skills with soil quantitative mapping. The proposed study aims to develop and improve remote sensing tools to estimate and map several important soil attributes in agricultural fields at both Israel and United Arab Emirates (UAE) from the orbital sensors.
• Ideal skills include experience working with remote sensing products, soil spectroscopy, proximal modeling, soil sciences, geospatial statistics, artificial intelligence classification algorithms, and the production of interactive maps.
• The postdoctoral position is available from September 2022 , and is supported by the Israel Space Agency at the Ministry of Science and Technology in collaboration with the Space Agency of UAE and the Khalifa University at Abu-Dhabi.
• Any queries should be submitted to Eyal Ben Dor, [email protected] and Marcelo Sternberg, [email protected] .
• Please include a 2 page CV (including contact information for two letters of reference), 1 page statement on your past research, and 1 page statement on how you would monitor and evaluate the impact of land-use change on soil properties using remote sensing tools in drylands.

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