
ECUT is recruiting

10 Positions in Environmental Geography, Soil Sciences and Agriculture at the Key Laboratory of Digital Land and Resources, and
10 Positions in Computer Science at the Faculty of Information Technology and Engineering, East China University of Technology
Are Available!

ECUT will provide an attractive package including settlement allowance, fund for starting research, and an annual salary of about 210,000-600,000 Yuan (1 Yuan is around 0.156 US$; the annual salary is subject to deduction of certain amount of tax and health insurance) depending on your experiences and qualification.
Interested young scientists can contact and send their CVs with a cover letter mentioning two references to Prof. Weicheng WU at [email protected] or [email protected]. To be fully considered, your candidatures are expected to arrive before Dec 31, 2018. Of course, these positions will not be closed until filled.
