
PhD‐project – “Increasing agrobiodiversity in Sudano‐Sahelian cropping systems ‐ Effect on ecosystem services and farm sustainability”

This “sandwich” PhD project is part of the 3F2 (Feeding the soil and feeding the cow to feed the people) project funded by the McKnight foundation and is co‐funded by the Initiative OneCG ‐ Transformational Agroecology Across Food, Land and Water Systems. The PhD study will be implemented in Burkina Faso as a collaboration between CIRAD (Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement), INERA (Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles), the farmer organization AMSP, and Wageningen University (WUR). The PhD position will be hosted by the Plant Production Systems group at the WUR, with Prof. Dr. Katrien Descheemaeker as promotor, and Dr. Juliette Lairez (CIRAD ‐ Ouagadougou), Dr. Eveline Compaoré (INERA ‐ Ouagadougou), Dr. David Berre (CIRAD ‐ Montpellier), and Dr. Danaë Rozendaal (WUR) as co‐promotors.

Please submit your application via email to: [email protected]

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Burkina Faso