Глобальное почвенное партнерство

Pillar 3: Promote targeted soil research and development focusing on identified gaps, priorities and synergies with related productive, environmental and social development actions

©FAO/Simon Maina

A key mandate of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP) is to emphasize, in all relevant venues, the essential role of soils for humankind, including the development and implementation of a global strategy for soils research and development (R&D) to enhance the ability of soils to make important contributions to ecosystem services.

The Plan of Action for Pillar 3 stresses the enhancement of strategic collaboration within the global soils R&D community, with a main facilitating role of the GSP; provides pertinent background considerations on potential contribution of R&D to global economic growth, environmental sustainability and social development; and proposes a framework for implementation of concrete action plans and programmes.

The main expected outcome under this pillar is the engagement of all potential actors to develop R&D strategies, invest resources and execute complementary actions towards agreed objectives.

Composition of the Pillar 3 Working Group

Facilitator: Ms Natalia Rodriguez (GSP Secretariat)

Chair: Vacant

Africa: Martin Yemefack (Cameroon)


 Asia: Kazuyuki Yagi (Japan)


Europe: Coen Ritsema (The Netherlands) / Gergely Tóth (Hungary) Eurasia: Svyatoslav Baliuk (Ukraine)

Latin America and Caribbean: Pablo Cornejo (Chile)


Near East and North Africa: Bahram Taheri (Iran)

 North America: David Knaebel (USA)


 South West Pacific: David J Hunter (Samoa)


ITPS representative: Nsalambi Vakanda Nkongolo (Democratic Republic of Congo)