Global Soil Partnership

South-South Cooperation project

The project enhanced capacity development on Sustainable Soil Management in Uganda and Rwanda through South-South cooperation.

South-South Cooperation project: Capacity Development on Sustainable Fertility Management

The project enhanced capacity development on Sustainable Soil Management (SSM) in Uganda and Rwanda through South-South cooperation, within the framework of Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) and the International Code of Conduct for Sustainable Use and Management of Fertilizers (the Fertilizer Code), with a special focus on balanced fertilization. The implementation of this project benefited the African population through the improvement of soil health and the achievement of food security. The implementation of the project upscaled China's successful experience to other developing countries and contribute to the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The focus of the project was to improve income, food security and nutrition, as well as improve the environment and human wellbeing through the sustainable management of soil resources and to strengthen national capacities on sustainable soil management (SSM), including appropriate fertilization and conducting and interpreting soil analysis to improve food security through increased agricultural productivity and nutrition.


Target countries: Rwanda and Uganda

Duration: July 2020 - July 2022

Resource partners: China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchange (CICETE), Ministry of Commerce, the People’s Republic of China

Project Title: Capacity Development on Sustainable Fertility Management

Contacts: GSP Secretariat