Global Soil Partnership

The project aims to promote sustainable soil management by supporting the implementation of the Global Soil Doctors Programme (GSDP) and the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Near East.

Implementation of Sustainable Soil Management through the Soil Doctors Programme and the Global Soil Laboratory Network

The project promotes sustainable soil management (SSM) by implementing the Global Soil Doctors Programme and the Global Soil Laboratory Network in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Near East. It aims to improve the capacities of farmers to make informed decisions regarding sustainable soil management, with a specific focus on enhancing soil fertility. Additionally, the project works towards strengthening soil laboratories in developing countries, including the assessment of the quality and safety of fertilizers. 


The expected impact of the current project is to achieve environmental and human wellbeing through the sustainable management of soil resources. The main outcomes of this project are the reinforcement of national and regional capacities on sustainable soil management through the Global Soil Doctors programme and the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN), more specifically:

  • Output 1: Development, purchase and distribution of Soil Doctors testing kit to participating countries, benefiting at least 5 000 farmers. Additionally, comprehensive training will be provided to these farmers.
  • Output 2: Establishment and support of the Regional Soil Laboratories Networks (RESOLANs) by enhancing soil laboratory facilities and providing capacity development initiatives.
  • Output 3: Quality control procedures are established in key regional soil laboratories with particular attention on the assessment of fertilizers quality and safety


Target countries: Global

PHASE 1 | Contribution: 1 200 000 USD | Duration: 2018 – 2021

PHASE 2 | Contribution: 3 000 000 USD | Duration: 2021-2026

Resource partners: PhosAgro

Project code: MTF/GLO/962/PHO

Project Title: Implementation of sustainable soil management through the Global Soil Doctors programme and the Global Soil Laboratory Network

Contacts: GSP SecretariatKirill Antyukhin.