Global Soil Partnership

Russian Federation

The project promotes sustainable soil management policies emphasizing carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, soil salinity mitigation, and updating national soil data and information systems

Russian Federation project: Support to the promotion of sustainable soil management in the framework of the Global Soil Partnership

The project is supporting the creation of an enabling environment for formulating national policies aligned with sustainable soil management guidelines and the Fertilizer Code across Eurasian countries, promoting sustainable soil management practices for carbon sequestration, soil biodiversity conservation, and soil salinity mitigation. Additionally, it supports the update of national soil data and the establishment of information systems. The project also contributes to the successful implementation of the World Soil Day activities and campaign, including the preparation of awareness raising materials and the award of the annual Glinka World Soil Prize. Scaling up sustainable soil management practices is a key focus, involving pilot projects for carbon sequestration, implementing findings on soil biodiversity, pollution, and salt-affected soils to enhance productivity and curb soil degradation. The project also contributes to technical networks' work plans, such as those addressing soil information, laboratory networks, and fertilizer analysis.


The expected impact of the current project is to achieve environmental and human wellbeing through the sustainable management of soil resources.

The outcome of the project will be the reinforcement of national, regional and global capacities on sustainable soil management:

  • improving governance of the limited soil resources of the planet in order to guarantee healthy and productive soils for a food secure world, as well as support other essential ecosystem services, in accordance with the sovereign right of each State over its natural resources;
  • developing awareness and contribute to the development of capacities, build on best available science, and facilitate/contribute to the exchange of knowledge and technologies among stakeholders for the sustainable management and use of soil resources.

These 3 key outputs are:

  • Output 1. Promotion and implementation of Sustainable Soil Management in Eurasia through the execution of the Eurasian Soil Partnership Implementation Plan. This output aims to adapt and adopt the principles of the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management in the Eurasian Region, according to the needs and priorities agreed in the Implementation Plan for the period 2020-2023.
  • Output 2. Strengthening awareness raising and advocacy on sustainable soil management for food security, climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity protection and conservation, and the provision of all ecosystem services at local, national, regional and global levels.
  • Output 3. Implementation of Sustainable Soil Management at national, regional and global level. This output aims to establish scalable pilot projects of sustainable soil management through the RECSOIL programme and the implementation of the GSP normative documents, as well as to strengthen technical networks that support the provision of scientific and technical knowledge for informed decision-making.


Target countries: Global with focus on Eurasia

PHASE 1 | Contribution USD 1 000 000 Duration 2015-2018

PHASE 2 Contribution USD 2 000 000 Duration 2018-2021

PHASE 3 Contribution USD 2 000 000 Duration 2021 - 2024

Resource partners: The Russian Federation

Project code: GCP/GLO/772/RUS

Project Title: Support to the promotion of sustainable soil management in the framework of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP)

Contacts: GSP SecretariatKirill Antyukhin