Global Soil Partnership

This project was funded by UNEP after the third session of the 2017 United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA3) addressing the problem caused by soil pollution and the Ministerial resolution “Managing soil pollution to achieve Sustainable Development” was adopted to tackle soil pollution globally.

Implementation of UNEA 3 resolution: Global Assessment of Soil Pollution

At the third session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA3) of the United Nations Environment Programme, held in Nairobi in December 2017, countries agreed on the urgency of addressing the problem caused by soil pollution. The main request of the resolution was to undertake necessary measures at national and regional levels to understand the extent of soil pollution in their territories and to strengthen policies to prevent, reduce and manage soil pollution. It called for the assessment of the extent and future trends of soil pollution, the risks and impacts of soil pollution on health, the environment and food security including land degradation and the burden of disease resulting from exposure to contaminated soils. It further called for urgent action and cooperation between countries and support agencies to address the issue. In the resolution, there was a specific request to UN agencies and other relevant organizations to prepare a report based on available scientific information and data on the extent of soil pollution, considering both point-source contamination and diffuse pollution. In addition, the resolution mentioned the development of technical guidelines for the prevention and minimization of soil pollution as a contribution to support the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management.


Target countries: Global

Contribution: 50 000 USD

Duration: October 2019 - April 2020

Resource partners: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Project code: EP/GLO/039/UEP

Project Title: Implementation of UNEA 3 resolution: Global Assessment of Soil Pollution

Contacts: GSP Secretariat