Partenariat mondial sur les sols

The 5th AfSP plenary meeting: presentations

Virtual meeting | 6-7 July 2021


  • Opening of the meeting - Mr Abebe HaileGabriel ADG/RR FAO RAF
  • Statement by Dr. Yemi Akinbamijo Executive Director, FARA
  • Statement by H.E. Josefa L.C. Sacko Commissioner for REA, AUC
  • Closing remark and vote of thanks by Prof Victor Chude, Chair AfSP

Prof Jean Jacques Muhinda - Moderator

Self-Introduction by Focal Points and acknowledgement of Partners

Technical sessions

GSP Paradigm shift: from Pillars to Areas of Work

National programmes/activities on soil: Jan 2020 till date - Mr Brahene Sebastian, GSP/AfSP

Wrap-up for Day 1 (Launch of Survey)


Welcome and brief recap of Day 1 – Mr Brahene Sebastian, GSP/AfSP

National programmes/activities on soil: Jan 2020 till date

Why a new Implementation Plan - Quick review of previous plan - Prof. Victor Chude, Chair, AfSP

Discussion on the role of Working Groups per Areas of Work and nomination of Chairs - Prof Victor Chude, AfSP Chair and Mr Sebastian Brahene, GSP/AfSP

Opportunities for collaboration and support: Examples from Burkina Faso, Rwanda, Uganda, Malawi, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Lesotho and GSP Partners Presentation – IITA, FARA, Wisconsin University, Soil4Africa - Mr Eugene Rurangwa FAO Regional Office, Accra 

GSP Partners Presentation:

Discussions: Future of the Partnership: Mechanism for a Self-Sustaining Partnership - Prof. Victor Chude, Chair, AfSP/ Mr Brahene Sebastian, GSP/AfSP

Way forward for the African Soil Partnership

  • Relaunch of AFRISOIL
  • High Level Ministerial Meeting on Fertilizers (Abuja II)
  • Closing remarks - Prof. Victor Chude, Chair, AfSP