Глобальное почвенное партнерство

Asian Soil Partnership | Capacity development and trainings

The Global Soil Partnership is building the capacity of soil laboratories in the region through the Asian Soil Laboratory Network (SEALNET), which is part of the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN).



2022 online

SEALNET: Regional Soil Laboratory Network for Asia: Sixth meeting, online, 21-22 September 2022

Event | Agenda

2020 online

WRB workshop on the Soil Atlas of Asia, 25-26 June 2020

Agenda | Presentations | Report | Meeting recordings

2019 Yogyakarta

International training on Digital Soil Property Mapping and Information Delivery, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 22 - 26 Apr 2019

Details of the event | Agenda | Presentations | Photo gallery | Highlight

2018 Bhopal

Second SEALNET meeting, Bhopal, India, 19 - 23 Nov 2018

Details of the event | Agenda | Report | Report of the ring test | Presentations | Photogallery

2017 Bogor

First SEALNET meeting, Bogor, Indonesia, 20 - 24 Nov 2017

Details of the event | Agenda | Report | Speeches | Presentations | Photogallery

2017 Bangkok

Soil Organic Carbon mapping training, Bangkok, Thailand, 24 - 30 Apr 2017

Details of the event | Report | Presentations | Photo gallery