Глобальное почвенное партнерство

AFACI - Training on National Soil Databases and Soil Property Mapping

02-03 and 09-10 February 2022 | Online


Day 1. (3h) Opening, Introduction and Data Preparation

  • High Level Opening
  • Introduction
  • Software, Tools
  • National Soil Profile Data Preparation: Import, Explore, Merge Site and Layer data
  • National Soil Profile Data Preparation: Exploratory Data Analysis; Detecting and Getting Rid of Outliers, NA Values
  • Pedotransfer functions; Soil Depth Estimates; Data Transformation

Day 2. (3h) Data Preparation, Fundamentals of Digital Soil mapping

  • Environmental Covariates: selection and preparation of predictors
  • Environmental Covariates: preparing final table for modelling/mapping
  • Theory of Linear Modelling
  • Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression
  • Theory of Spatial Interpolation (Kriging) and Mapping with Regression Kriging
  • Theory of Spatial Interpolation (Random Forest) and Mapping with Random Forest

Day 3. (3h) Soil Property Mapping (Soil Texture)

Map of soil textural classes will be prepared at national scale, at 1km spatial resolution up to 2 m (where possible) depth using digital soil mapping.

  • Data preparation (Soil Profile Data, Predictors)
  • Digital Soil Mapping - Soil Texture
  • Exporting, saving, styling outputs
  • QA Session 

Day 4. (3h) Soil Organic Carbon Mapping

  • Data preparation (Soil Profile Data, Predictors)
  • Digital Soil Mapping - Soil Organic Carbon
  • Exporting, saving, styling outputs
  • QA Session

Day 5. (3h)

  • Mapping other soil properties (pH, EC, ESP)
  • Setting a timeline and the modality for project deliverables (National Soil Profile Databases, National Gridded Soil Maps)
  • Preparations for the second session (Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Modeling)
  • Closure