Alianza Mundial por el Suelo

Alianza Europea por el Suelo

The European Soil Partnership (ESP) was established in October 2013 during the second Global Soil Week to bring all networks and soil related activities under a common framework. Its Secretariat is hosted at the Thuenen Institute, Germany. The Partnership is open to institutions and stakeholders willing to actively contribute to sustainable soil management in Europe. Regional needs and priorities are translated into regional actions through the ESP implementation plan. The ESP operates according to its own Terms of Reference (2016). The ESP comprises four Subregional Soil Partnerships that address the particularities, needs and priorities of these areas: Alpine Soil Partnership, Eurasian Soil Partnership, Pyrenean Soil Partnership and Western Balkan Soil Partnership.

List of partners

The following countries/members are part of the European Soil Partnership: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina,  Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, , Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan and European Union. Not all countries/members are represented by a focal point. The list of the ESP focal points is available here and other partners of the ESP can be found here.

If your organization would like to become an ESP partner, please liaise first with the GSP Secretariat ([email protected]) to become a GSP Partner by filling this form. Once cleared by the GSP, you will become automatically a member of the ESP.

If you would like to be informed about the ESP activities, please contact the ESP Secretariat ([email protected]) which will add you to the ESP mailing list.


Chair: Mr Rainer Baritz (European Environment Agency (EEA)

Secretary: Ms Nicole Wellbrock (Thuenen Institute)

Regional facilitator: Ms Natalia Rodriguez Eugenio (GSP Secretariat)

The following ESP Steering Committee members took over the leadership for the pillars of action:

Pillar 1 Chair: Ms Helena Havlicek (Switzerland)

  Pillar 2 Chair: Mr Arwyn Jones (European Commission)

  Pillar 3 Chair: Mr Coen Ritsema  (The Netherlands) and Mr. Gergely Tóth (Hungary)

Pillar 4 Chair: Ms Maria Fantappiè (Italy)

Pillar 5 Chair: Mr Hakki Erdogan (Turkey)

Steering Committee

To achieve the goals of the ESP a Steering Committee was established with the following members:

  • Chair: Mr Rainer Baritz (European Environment Agency (EEA)
  • Representative of the ESP-secretariat: Ms Nicole Wellbrock (Thuenen Institute)
  • Representative of the GSP-secretariat: Mr Ronald Vargas (GSP Secretariat)
  • Chairs of the ESP Pillar working groups: see above
  • Representative of the Eurasian Sub-regional Partnership (EASP): Ms Gulchekhra Khasankhanova (Uzbekistan)
  • Representative of the ITPS (European members): Mr Peter de Ruiter (The Netherlands)
  • Representative of the Alpine Soil Partnership: Mr Borut Vrščaj (Slovenia)

ESP events

Annual meetings


2023 Online meeting

Tenth Plenary Meeting of the European Soil Partnership, 3-4 May 2023

Details of the eventReport

2022 Online meeting

Ninth Plenary Meeting of the European Soil Partnership, 5 May 2022

Details of the event | Report

2021 Online meeting

Eighth Plenary Meeting of the European Soil Partnership, 24 June 2021

Details of the event | Agenda | Presentations | Report

2020 Online meeting

Seventh Plenary Meeting of the European Soil Partnership, 10 September 2020
Details of the eventAgenda and input documents | Report | Presentations 

2019 Rome

Sixth Plenary Meeting of the European Soil Partnership, Mar 2019

Details of the event | Agenda | Report | Presentations Photogallery

2018 Rome

Fifth Plenary Meeting of the European Soil Partnership, Mar 2018

Details of the event | Agenda | Report | Presentations | Photo gallery

2017 Rome

Fourth Plenary Meeting of the European Soil Partnership, May 2017

Details of the eventAgenda | Report | Implementation plan | Presentations | Photo gallery

2016 Rome

Third Plenary Meeting of the European Soil Partnership, Mar 2016

Details of the event | AgendaTerms of Reference of the ESP | Report | Draft Implementation plan | Photo gallery

2015 Rome

Second Plenary Meeting of the European Soil Partnership, Mar 2015

Details of the event | Agenda | Report | Presentations |  Photogallery

2014 Ispra

First Plenary Meeting of the European Soil Partnership, May 2014

Details of the event | Agenda

2013 Berlin

Launch of the European Soil Partnership, Oct 2013

Details of the event | Berlin communiqué | Agenda



2022 online

EUROSOLAN: Regional Soil Laboratory Network for Europe and Eurasia: Fourth meeting, 5-6 October 2022

Details of the event | Agenda