Глобальное почвенное партнерство

Latin America and the Caribbean Soil Partnership

The Latin America and the Caribbean Soil Partnership (LACS) was established in April 2019 by the merging of the South America and the Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico Soil Partnership, founded respectively in April 2012 and October 2013 to enhance linkages between national and local programs and activities of soil and land management in the region. The partnership aims to facilitate knowledge exchange and overcome differences in information, capacity, investment and environmental challenges faced by countries across the region. In this framework, national needs and priorities are translated into regional actions through the SASP implementation plan and the CACM implementation plan, which are revised at the yearly LACS meetings.

List of countries

Argentina, Bahamas, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Granada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Santa Lucia, Surinam, Uruguay, Venezuela. See the list of GSP national focal points.


Chair: Ms. Sol Ortiz García (Mexico)

Regional facilitator: Ms. Carolina Olivera Sánchez (GSP secretariat)

  • Vice-Chair for South America: Mr. Rodrigo Osorio Hermosilla (Chile)
  • Vice-Chair for Central America: Mr. José Villareal (Panamá)
  • Vice-Chair for the Caribbean: Mr. Gaius Eudoxie (Trinidad y Tobago)

Five working groups were established for the five GSP pillars of action and are chaired as follows:

Pillar 1 Chair: Mr. Juan Carlos Rey (Venezuela)

  • Co-chair Ms. Fernanda Gonzalez (Argentina) - Implementation of the Fertilizer Code

  Pillar 2 Chair: Ms. Laura Bertha Reyes Sánchez (Mexico)

  Pillar 3 Chair: Ms. Dayanira Lobo (Venezuela)

Pillar 4 Chair: Mr. Mario Guevara Santamaria (Mexico)

  •  Alternate: Mr. Marcos Angelini (Argentina)

Pillar 5 – LATSOLAN chair: Ms. Miriam Ostinelli (Argentina)

  •  Vice-chair: Ms. Floria Bertsch (Costa Rica)


Recent events and trainings

Annual meetings



Eleventh Latin American and the Caribbean plenary meeting, May 7-8, 2024

Details and Agenda of the event 

2023 Mexico City

Tenth Latin American and the Caribbean plenary meeting, June 19-22, 2023 in Mexico City

Details of the event | AGENDA (Spanish)  | AGENDA (English)  | Presentations | Report

2022 Online

Ninth Latin American and the Caribbean plenary meeting, 15 June 2022, online

Details of the event | Agenda | Presentations | Report

2021 Online

Eighth Latin American and the Caribbean plenary meeting, 1 July 2021, online

Details of the event | Agenda | Presentations | Report

2020 Online

Intermediary meeting of the Latin America and the Caribbean, 24-25 November 2020, online

Details of the event | Agenda | Presentations | Report

2020 Online

Seventh Latin American and the Caribbean plenary meeting, 27 May 2020, online

Details of the event | AgendaPresentations | Report (ES)

2019 Quito

Sixth Latin American, Mexico and the Caribbean plenary meeting, Quito, Ecuador, 22 May 2019

Details of the eventAgenda | Workshop and TCP closure agenda | Full programme (ES)Presentations | Photogallery | Press release (ES) | Highlight | Report

2018 Bogotá

Fifth South American plenary meeting, Bogotá, Colombia, 10 Jul 2018

Details of the eventAgenda | Report | Presentations | Photogallery

2018 Panama City

Third Central America, Caribbean and Mexico plenary meeting, Panama City, Panama, 20 - 22 Feb 2018

Details of the event | Agenda | ReportPresentations | Photogallery

2017 Montevideo

Fourth South American plenary meeting and TCP launch, Montevideo, Uruguay, 31 Ago - 1 Sep 2017

Details of the event | ReportPresentations | Photogallery

2016 Quito

Third South American plenary meeting, Quito, Ecuador, 24 - 28 Oct 2016

Details of the event | Report |  Presentations

2015 Paysandú

Second South American plenary meeting (second part), planification meeting, Paysandú, Uruguay, 30 Oct 2015

Details of the eventAgendaReport

2015 La Habana

Second Central America, Caribbean and Mexico meeting, La Habana, Cuba, 1 - 2 Jun 2015

Second Communicado del La Habana | Report | Presentations | Photogallery

2015 Santiago

Second South American plenary meeting (first part), Santiago, Chile, 2 - 5 Mar 2015

Details of the event | Report | Presentations | Photogallery

2013 La Habana

Launch of the Central America, Caribbean and Mexico Soil Partnership, La Habana, Cuba, 30 Sep - 3 Oct 2013

Comunicado de La Habana | Agenda | Report | Presentations | List of Participants 

2012 Mar de la Plata

Inception workshop of the South American Soil Partnership, Mar de la Plata, Argentina, 16 - 20 Apr 2012

Details of the event | Mar de la Plata communiqué 



2022 Online

Regional LAC training on RECSOIL and Nitrogen fertilizers management

Details of the event

2018 Bogotá

The Latin American and Caribbean Soil Information System (SISLAC) Roadmap regional workshop, Bogotá, Colombia, 9 Jul 2018

Details of the event | AgendaList of participants | Presentations | Photogallery

2018 Bogotá

Sub-regional digital soil mapping workshop, Bogotá, Colombia, 3 - 7 Jul 2018

Details of the eventAgenda | Summary of the achievementsReport (7 Jul) | Photogallery

2016 Ibague

Institutional and legal framework of Sustainable Soil Management, Ibague, Colombia, 27 - 30 Jun 2016

Details of the eventProposal | Report | List of participants | Presentations | Photogallery

2012 Rio de Janeiro

Digital soil mapping training, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sep 2012

2012 Calí

Soil legacy database training, Calí, Colombia, Jul 2012



2022 Online

Fifth LATSOLAN | Latin American Network of Soil Laboratories meeting, 26-27 October 2022, online

Details of the event | Agenda (EN | ES)

2021 Online

Commemoration in Latin America and the Caribbean, Dec 2021, online

Details of the event | Agenda | Presentations and Recordings

2021 Online

Technical and financial tools for valuing the productive and environmental potential of soils in Latin America and the Caribbean, 4-8-9 June 2021, online

Details of the event | Agenda in English & Spanish | Presentations

2019 Quito

Workshop & Closing of Technical Cooperation Project “Capacity development in soil information for sustainable natural resources management in countries of South America”, Quito, Ecuador, 20 - 21 May 2019

Details of the eventWorkshop and TCP closure agenda | Presentations | Photogallery | Press release (ES) | Highlight 

2019 Mexico City

LATSOLAN | Second Latin American network of soil laboratories, Mexico City, Mexico, 12 - 14 Mar 2019

Details of the event | Agenda | Highlight | PresentationsReport | Photogallery

2018 Quezon City

LATSOLAN | First Latin American network of soil laboratories, Mar 2018

Details of the event | Agenda | Report | Presentations | Photogallery

2016 Ibague

Institutional and legal framework of Sustainable Soil Management (SSM) - South America Soil Partnership, Ibague, Colombia, 27-30 Jun 2016

Details of the event | Report | Presentations | List of participants | Photogallery