Alianza Mundial por el Suelo

Presentations at the Fourth NENA Soil Partnership Plenary Meeting - June 2018


Status of the North Africa and Near East Soil Partnership | Iman Sahib Salman

ITEM 1: Approval of the Agenda and Regional overview: where are we standing at?| Lucrezia Caon, GSP Secretariat, FAO 

ITEM 3: GSP developments of regional interest | Lucrezia Caon, GSP Secretariat, FAO

The 4th NENA workshop:

  • Tunisia | Leila Ben Dhiab Ep Ben Ben Daya
  • Palestine | Imad K.N. Ghanameh Lotfiya
  • Algeria | Medjahed Saddek
  • Iran | Kambiz Bazargan
  • Iraq | Iman Sahib Salman Al-Hammood
  • Jordan | Mahmoud Hasan Almahmoud Alfraihat
  • Morocco | Rachid Moussadek
  • Oman | Hamdan Salim Said Al-Wahaibi
  • Saudi Arabia | Hussain Fahad H. Al Ajmi
  • Sudan | Abdelmagid Ali Elmobarak Elhag
  • Syria | Muhammad Manhal Alhusin Alzoubi


Details of the event | Agenda | Report | Photo gallery