Global Soil Partnership

North America Soil Partnership

The North American Regional Soil Partnership (NARSP) was established in December 2014 by the Canadian Society of Soil Science and the Soil Science Society of America as well as the Soil and Water Conservation Society. The aim of the NARSP is to provide guidance on regional goals/priorities and the required implementation mechanisms and will regularly review progress in reaching common objectives and targets. In particular, NARSP should facilitate links with national and local soil management programs and activities with a view to strengthening work on soils and to develop synergies with other relevant initiatives and activities.

List of countries

United States of America, Canada. See the list of GSP national focal points.


Chair: Mr. David Lindbo (USA)

Regional facilitator: GSP Secretariat 

Annual Report North America Soil Partnership

Annual report



Global Soil Partnership North American Report 2024, April 2024